Yes, but is your turkey a Butterball?

in Sports Talk
Picked up one of these puppies today, sucker must weigh 25-30 pounds, I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder lugging it home. I can't wait to watch football and dig into this delicious, tender, juicy turkey! What are you eating for Thanksgiving?
I live right across the street from a wal-mart neighborhood market, so I walked over there and carried the turkey back. I walked because it saves money for gas, yes, I'm a cheapskate, I'll do anything to save a buck.
It absolutly is - 95¢ a pound - just under 13 pounds.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Awesome Butterball, virtual high five!
Yes, we are having turkey.
Let me guess, organic turkey? It's quite obvious that stevek's influence for health food still has a powerful grip on you. I shudder to think what Steve is having for Thanksgiving dinner.
And I can just imagine stevek as a child, poor kid probably never saw the inside of a McDonald's.
Tofu turkey
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Thanksgiving Story.....Please allow......When I was little boy, my Grandpa every year kept a turkey. He had his reasons...... Well, one year my cousin, about 8 years old, took a liking to the turkey.... ...He fed the turkey, and gave the bird a name. Tom. It was his pet. Well, Thanksgiving rolled around and the the family was gathered for the feast!...Midway into the festivities, his older brother asked him, "Do you know what you're eatin'.....It's Tom."...... Sweet Baby Jesus!...... What aThanksgiving To Remember!

Oh Well......
Nope, the in-laws avoid them.
I know what you were all thinking..."I just want to see Shaq take a raw turkey to the back of his head!"
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Shaq looked like he wanted to beat the crap out of that guy! 😂😂😂😂
I watched my brother-in-law slip butter under the skin of his bird before he roasted it. They would have a Butter Ball turkey in the house because it has chemical butter, not the real thing.
It was.....until it got gobbled.....