Working on a set of MS V nickels

I have been working on a set of mint state Liberty V nickels - mostly MS64, and what I primarily look at is the strike. So many V nickels are weakly struck with flat stars, and flat corn ears on the reverse. So, I thought it would be more of a challenge to find perfect or nearly perfectly struck coins, and I was correct. It's been a challenge finding very well struck examples, but I am about 64% complete so far, having acquired 21 of 33 so far in the set. 12 more and it will be complete!
Best regards,
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Great collection! When I assembled my set, that was my goal as well. Unfortunately, I had to settle on a few. Now, I am in the process of rebuilding it after selling off the non-key pieces. Love your 12S!
Here is one I kept!

My favorite set. Been working on them for more than 20 years now.
Great looking set you have there, @dsessom !
I see some of my coins (at least from what I can recall) in there....1896, 1912-D and 1912-S.
I know when I was putting together my MS64 set years ago, I, too, looked for examples with a great strike, not to mention excellent eye appeal as well.
Love your 1885 @erwindoc ....happy to see you kept it. I was quite picky when I was looking for a PQ example of this date, and it definitely paid off. It took me awhile to find it.
Enjoy the hunt fellas....such a fun set to put together!
@dsessom Here is one I added several months ago. Looks very similar to your nickel you posted above!
Thank you Dave! Yes sir, quite a few are from your old set. I guess I have been working on the set for about 5 years, give or take.
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
I love that look. That is a beautiful coin!
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Good grief, that is probably the best example of the '85 I have ever seen! And I am not surprised that it was in Dave's collection originally - as that's where many of my coins came from and Dave has a great eye.
I will hopefully be able to afford the other key dates this year, as I finally paid off my Corvette. LOL
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
Do you have a set registry? If so, can I get a link to it?
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins
It is linked below. I keep it ATS so I can use coins from both companies.
Gorgeous Liberty nickels posted in this thread.
I only have this one.
It is nice, but pales in comparisons to the nickels posted above.
I'm now at 76% complete. 25 acquired, and 8 more to go including 1885 and 1886.
I added these in the past few months:
Dwayne F. Sessom
Ebay ID: V-Nickel-Coins