Metal Detecting: For the beer drinkers

Recently went out metal detecting in a heavily wooded area where old colonial snuff mill remains are. The last remaining standing wall was knocked down by vandals sometime ago. Anyway, was hoping to find old coins, buttons, buckles, utensils, pottery, or anything just historic and cool. Not the case. I did find what looks like a worthless old Lowenbrau beer bottle cap. The color in the photo is not coming out as the foil is actually a gold color. I have not had a Lowenbrau since the early 1980's. If I remember, back then they used some type of adhesive and after peeling the foil and label to pop the cap there was a stink. I could never get passed that so it's why it wasn't a beer among those I drank. For anyone more familiar with Lowenbrau does this look correct? And if it were a different beer with the stinky, glued label let me know what that is...or was. I'm sure it was a German beer though.
Pocket Change Inspector
I recall those bottles... Drank a few of them. Do not remember a 'stink' though. I really liked Lowenbrau beer. Cheers, RickO
Or, if you're an old Baltimore Orioles fan, it was, "let it be Lowenstein"