Lamar Jackson unhappy in Baltimore?

Skip Bayless dropped an interesting report yesterday on the situation with Lamar Jackson in Baltimore.
Lamar Jackson Is Reportedly 'Not Happy' In Baltimore
Hours before the Baltimore Ravens are set to play on Thursday Night Football, FS1's Skip Bayless dropped a juicy report on Lamar Jackson.
According to Bayless, who cited a "credible source inside the Ravens locker room," said that Jackson "is not happy that the Baltimore Ravens have refused to pay him the way the Browns paid Deshaun Watson."
This unhappiness has not affected Jackson's effort on the field during games, but it has changed his behavior during the week, per Bayless.
"Lamar Jackson is so upset over his contract that he's effectively 'holding out' without holding out," Bayless said. "Lamar is no longer as engaged or responsive during meetings. You might say he is sometimes withdrawn during meetings; that's not at all like the Lamar we used to know and love."
"Occasionally, Lamar has been a little late for a meeting, a little late for a practice, something he'd never have done before. Again, these aren't end of the world developments, but obviously Lamar Jackson is not the all-in, intensely dedicated, ultra-disciplined Lamar that the Ravens have come to know and trust over his first four seasons."
Take what you will from Bayless' report. It might all be true, it might partially be true. No one can know for sure.
Jackson is currently playing out the fifth and final year of his rookie deal after failing to reach an agreement on a long-term extension with the Ravens before the start of this season.
As of now, he is set to enter free agency in the offseason, though it's entirely possible the Ravens sign him to a deal before that can happen.
After the Bucs game last night, Lamar Jackson was on the way back to the locker room when he noticed a sign that a Ravens fan was holding up, and Lamar grabbed the sign from the fan and held it up.
All about the money
Let him go. Draft another running QB and pay for a good defense and some real receivers. JMO
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I wouldn't pay him either
I have always thought that the guy is a bit overrated. He's definitely no Mahomes.
If he starts getting his head out of the game because of money, he could find himself on the outside looking in. Big money comes with superior performance. If he doesn't deliver, he won't get it.
Hard to watch... and I'll leave it at that
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Jackson signed a 4 year contract for $9,471,648. Plus a $4,968,471 signing bonus........That works out to $3,610,029.70 per year..... To play a boy's game. He signed the contract...... Was someone holding a gun to his head when he signed?.....

How much money do you think the fan who made up this poster makes a year?????? How much money do YOU make a year???
The World Is Upside Down My Friends
Poor, Poor Lamar....
I Don't Think So...