The Super Bowl

MLB final - 7 games
NBA final - 7 games
NHL final - 7 games
NFL final - 1 game
Think of all the money the league and finalists would get if it was best 2 out of 3.
One game at each winners home field and game 3 at a neutral site.
Would be exciting to see, and season ticket holders would be rewarded with a one game Super Bowl playoff game.
I like the Super Bowl the way it is, you only get one shot at it, that's the appeal of it for me.
All the other leagues reward the home fans with their championship.
The NFL rewards the rich and famous and corporations more than the teams fan base who support them year round with ticket and merchandise sales.
Look at the other three and compare their popularity with the NFL. They have expanded their playoffs to increase the waning interest. I agree with @Goldenage about home-field advantage and have always felt the SB should be played at whichever team has earned that through the season, just like in the god old days of pre-Super Bowl NFL Championships.
The only thing I'd change about the SB is move it to Saturday
Niners and Bills.
Saturday Super Bowl is the only thing to change about it
Perky, you make a good point!......All the people with Super Bowl party hangovers will have an extra day to recover before going back to work on Monday if the game is on a Saturday!....BRAVO!!!
I don't want to see a Super Bowl on a Saturday, let's leave it as it is on Sunday and make the Monday after a national holiday.
hey LandrysFedora,
I like the idea with that Monday being a holiday, although it should not be a national holiday to where snail mail parcels would be shut down...ya never know I might have an out for delivery that day and I would have to post my snail mail on the monthly "Pick-Up's" topic...
I went to the first Super Bowl. I was 12. L.A. Memorial Colesium.... Best football stadium EVER!....My Uncle Lloyd took me.....his pretty wife, Rose, went too......Had a great time!!!.....

Uncle Lloyd was a World War II veteran. Paratrooper. He and his twin brother, my Uncle Floyd, were dropped in on D-Day......over France.....They survived..... Looking back?.......Those two guys were tougher than any of those football players.....Way more Tough!!!!
Where would you rather be?......I thought so...
Hey GroceryRackPack, that sounds good to me! We can put that provision in the "National Super Bowl Monday Bill" when we submit it to congress. lol
The one and done format of the NFL playoffs is a huge part of the appeal. It is also a necessity because teams can only play once per week. Teams that play on a short week, on a Thursday night, usually fail to bring their "A game".
Also, the "any given Sunday" concept would be mitigated with a best 2 out of 3 series. In a series, moreso than an individual game, the better overall team will usually win.
A two of three format would compel the League to see to it the same team did not win the first two. Lost revenue.
Football is not like any other sport. It’s too rough to play a best two out of three series.
Keep it at one game. but I agree, either make it super bowl saturday or give us monday off. either would be fine
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.