What are you experiencing for current turnaround times for grading?

Hello everyone. I know we had some not so pleasant return times at the beginning of this year. I am looking do do a rather large (for me) submission of both raw and crossovers. What are you seeing for turnaround times on both express and regular service levels?
thanks in advance!
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
45 days and counting.
7/15 (today is 10/2 pm)... 2 Regulars sitting in Encapsulation, 1 crossover Regular in Grading, the Economy still in grading as well.
EDIT: that would be 55 working days minus the holiday (Labor Day)... so 54? and not very far along if they are going to be under, or near, 60
A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.
Ok. That sure sounds better than the five months I had experienced at the beginning of the year. I'll gather my things and hopefully have them sent off at the end of the month.
Thank you!
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
Well I have several submission ongoing. They received my coins on 8/15. I got back my regular submission of Reholder coins with Trueview on 9/13. I also have a couple of coins in for restoration. They have been restored and are being imaged. They have been in imaging for almost two weeks, so I expect them to get sent to me next week, which would be a 2 month turnaround time for restoration. The other coins are still in grading and I don't expect anything for a few more months.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
I have two new submissions (regular and economy) that were logged in as received yesterday (I dropped them off at the Long Beach show last Thursday).
I do not expect to receive the coins in these two submissions back until next February or March, 2023.
I dropped of multiple submissions to our host at the 2-2022 Long Beach show. They were logged in as received on 2-22-2022 and 2-25-2022. I did not receive those submissions back until the end of May, 2022 through mid August, 2022.
My economy submission was from the Central States show , 4/28/22,posted 5/4/22. Status just changed today from grading to quality check. So about 5 months on the Economy level.
I had an Express regrade that took 3 weeks. The images were ready before I even got the coin. If you have 1 or 2 coins that are high $$$ it's worth the extra money to have them back quick!!
Thank you everyone!
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
waiting on 4 orders, 2 at world economy since 5/2022, 1 at economy and 1 world economy, 7/2022. I'm patient.
Got my Ten Nickels back in just over 3 weeks. My ten Quarters about the same.
Two submissions inventoried by PCGS on May 2, 2022. One was a 16 coin submission of raw coins for grading and the other a 4 coin crossover submission. The published turnaround time when submitted was 60 working days. (They just changed it to 90 days) I received the 16 coin submission back just last Friday, October 14, 2022, after being marked "Urgent" by customer service over a month earlier. ( 133 days turnaround)
The 4 coin crossover submission moved to "Quality Check" on October 14, 2022 and has been marked urgent for over a month. (14 days will be 5 month)
I also have a single crossover coin submission inventoried 6/21/22 and it has been in "Encapsulation" for over a month and a half, and is also marked as urgent.
If you are submitting Economy or Regular service, you can now expect approximately a four and a half to five month wait time.
I submitted all of these coins on August 15th. I had 19 coins in for reholder, regular service and I had them back in my hands in 1 month. The reconsideration coins, regular service I had back in 2 months. Of course none of the coins changed grades, so no imaging or verification of grades. That probably shortened the return times a few weeks. I have 2 coins in for restoration and the grades and True Views dropped last night so that is also 2 months.
I also have 20 coins in for reconsideration, economy that are being imaged, so hopefully I will get those in 3 months.
I have two submissions of raw, regular service that is still in grading.
Overall I have been happy with the return times. I will be sending more coins later next month.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
70 business day Regular. (7/8 to 10/13). My next batch is on it's way ATS.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Hit 72 business days today for a Regular sub, still in grading stage. My next batch also went ATS.
Coin Photographer.
My ANA Chicago regular submission received 8/26 just went to QA today. Economy still in grading.
Just got one back from the time they received it, graded, imaged, and shipped in just one week, Express ($121 fees).
Had another one take 5 months.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Update: 17 coins returned in 76 days, regular service.
There are still 26 coins being processed between regular, crossover and restoration services.
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
Regular service of 5 coins with truviews, special labels and variety attribution just went to QA in 68 business days.
Economy submission of 5 coins received at same time is still in grading but "Being Image" popped up today.
USAF veteran 1984-2005
Express, two weeks.
USAF (Ret.) 1985 - 2005. E-4B Aircraft Maintenance Crew Chief and Contracting Officer.
My current Registry sets:
✓ Everyman Mint State Carson City Morgan Dollars (1878 – 1893)
✓ Everyman Mint State Lincoln Cents (1909 – 1958)
✓ Morgan Dollar GSA Hoard (1878 – 1891)
Nice 67'. My father had the exact same one, bought it new way back when. His car is long gone, I sold my 70' the year before last.
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
I send in walk thru recently and it took a week from receipt to grade but a further two weeks for the photographs. Express I just sent in and was received on 7 March - two packages - one is in grading after a week and the other is in encapsulation after a week. Both were world express - the one in grading is regrade and the one in encapsulation is raw. I also have some outstanding submissions in world regular that have been with PCGS for five weeks and have just ticked over into encapsulation. Hope this helps.
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….
Thanks. My first part of my submission was returned, I have one set of 20 coins that apparently PCGSEurope already has my grade results listed along with PCGS numbers. PCGS istself says that they are in quality. I have a question regarding a variety one one coin that I had requested. They did not recognize the variety i requested. I have emailed 4 separate individuals in regards to this and have received zero response. This group and two other small groups are almost at 4 months.
I'm wondering if they shipped these off to Europe.
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
Update: just received a response from one of my contacts.
Collecting world gold, German State silver Marks and other things of interest
I sent in 9 coins that arrived 1-5-23 and they just arrived to me today on 3-17-23
Sent in 20 Nov 4th. Still grading.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I've received grades on all my orders from December 2022 as this weekend. Disappointed by DNC from an NGC 2022 South African MS70 Silver Krugerrand crossover. Also, a raw 1983 Lincoln DDR that came back "cleaned". Nothing worth posting that received grades.
Sorry to hear
How did you submit the 2022 NGC MS 70 Krugerrand? Cross at same grade or cross at any grade?
My Indians
Danco Set
Economy: 35 days
Regular: 53 days and counting
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
World Express: 20 coins raw-14 Days, 18 coins raw-21 Days. All received back in March.
Very Pleased!