Pro Bowl game cancelled

in Sports Talk
In its place will be skills competition and a flag football game.
it couldnt be any worse than the actual pro bowl game was.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
It basically was a two hand touch game last year so flag won't be much different. They had to try something different so the skills contests is a good idea I think.
I used to like the QB challenge back in the 90s
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Unlike other all star games, the Pro Bowl offers the chance for a player sustain a career ending injury. Given that, it’s just as well.
Instead of having the NFL players chose to play in the Pro Bowl, have those players select a cheerleader from their team's cheerleading squad to play in a "Powder Puff flag football game" (no tackling).
Have each cheerleader represent a charity of her choice; and have fund raising based upon the statistical performance of each cheerleader who plays in the game (with the money raised by each cheerleader being donated to their chosen charity. In fact get the Pro Sports betting companies involved in some manner and donate the revenue earned by those companies from bets placed on said game to charities.
Publicize this Powder Puff flag football game and have pre and post game events planned for the Pro Bowl weekend. Make it a big party where people can go to "see and be seen"
I agree that the Pro Bowl needed to go (to avoid injuries to star players), but it should be replaced with something that would draw fan interest, publicize the NLF in a positive light and raise funds for multiple charities.
Having cheerleaders play in such a game would be a draw across society in general because people do like to see glamour, glitz, etc. on display.
Have the Kollege Senior Bowl the Saturday before "The big game"
The Senior Bowl is a post-season college football all-star game played annually in late January or early February in Mobile, Alabama, which showcases the best NFL Draft prospects of those players who have completed their college eligibility.
Finally put this one out of its misery. Thank you NFL. It's not like they hace trying in a long time anyway.
I agree this was a long time coming. I haven't watched a pro bowl since the 90s. had no interest. now the skills competition, I would watch that one. it would be cool to actually see who the fastest player in the league is.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
No loss for me. Never watched it.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Can't wait to see if the sports books take action on this.
I won't miss something I've only watched once since it's inception.