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My First Currency Purchases

Been in cards for years and also have dabbled in coins my entire life. I've always enjoyed looking at currency and I would rather have some colorful older notes but I've always wanted a $500 FRN. While they've had them before, I never paid much attention but for some reason I decided I needed one now. It's not the most beautiful note you will ever see but I pulled the trigger.

Couple weeks later I see they have another one but not as nice. Thought maybe I would need to put 2 of them back since I have two daughters. Since it wasn't as nice, I decided to hold off. That's when the shop owner said they just got in a #1k FRN.
Well, if you have a $500, might as well have a $1k, right? I think the price was actually amazing from what I see the typical note sell for on Ebay. It's not without it's issues but I'm happy to have it. The lower serial# was interesting to me as well.
I'll never own a $5k or $10k so these will satisfy my itch for the time being.



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