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Great trip to a bank today

I went to a local bank today as I was out of $2 bills and half dollars to confuse millennials with.

I asked for $2 bills and they had some. I ended up with 50 consecutive numbers Series 2013 $2 bills. Then I asked for half dollars. The teller I was talking to did not have any but the second teller did. I got four customer wrapped rolls. Two of them were marked BIC (I was hoping collection dump o:) ) and as expected I got two rolls of bicentennial halves. But the real score were the other two rolls. I found the following:

five (5) silver proof halves based on silver edge
eight (8) clad proof halves
fourteen (14) NIFC halves
thirteen (13) BU halves from 1980s and 1990s

My found roll hunting Kennedy half album will be getting lots of additions and upgrades :)


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