1982 d Lincoln cent help I'd

Hi I have a 1982 d cent it weights 3.13. Is kind of. Look diffrent to me could someone Help me found out the value?
Hi I have a 1982 d cent it weights 3.13. Is kind of. Look diffrent to me could someone Help me found out the value?
try the coin forum, this is the currency section
welcome to the forums as well
@Sandysilva123... Welcome aboard. Your cent looks normal - very good pictures. What do you see that makes you question it? Cheers, RickO
It appears to be a normal copper cent with the large date variety. I see nothing unusual. You can save it or spend it, but it is worth one cent.
Ok I'm sorry to keep on asking but here I'm sending you. 2 cents 1982. Now it may be normal but what I see. Is the edge of the coin is way popped up. Or bumped up. The letters are too. And on the letter d it has what it looks like another d or a 0 just draw. Deep right before the D could someone tell me if I'm seeing right or is supposed to look like that and the num.2

That is my last question. Please if anyone could correct me please
@Sandysilva123 ... Good pictures. What you have - on the 2 and beside the D - is Post Mint Damage (PMD) and brings no numismatic premium. Cheers, RickO
The mark in front of the D is corrosion. Your coin is a 82-D large date, probably the copper plated zinc type (you can tell by weight 2.50 gms for zinc, 3.11 gms for copper). If the plating is breached, the underlying zinc can start to corrode and look like your coin
Other than a lot of circulation contact marks, I don't see anything unusual