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1861-O Half Dollar Ex. B. Max Mehl

Many of you probably remember my posts about the deal we did that included the 1895 proof set and other amazing goodies. Well, I decided that I needed a piece of that history too. My collecting focus is Liberty Seated coins and I fell in love with this coin when I saw it. So now that the dust has settled I’ve purchased it for my personal collection. This particular 61-O is a W-04, for anyone that isn’t familiar with 1861-O half dollars the down and dirty version is this. When Louisiana seceded from the Union the mint was taken over by the state government that continued to strike coins under the authority of LA. When LA joined the confederacy the Confederates kept striking 1861-O half dollars. The W-04 variety that was struck under the authority of Louisiana.

This coin was purchased from B. Max Mehl in February of 1916 for the handsome sum of $1. This is now hands down my favorite coin in my collection.


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