Nice 1815 Argentina sunface 2s in recent Stacks auction

Did anyone on the boards win this one? I completely missed it and it's a date I've been looking for. If you did pick it up please let me know!
Also if you want, post a Sunface coin!
grouchy sunface
It's a face only a sun-mother could love. Or a collector I guess. Here's another:
I love the sunface coins.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
They are pretty neat, and there is a bunch of variation between them. I think someone did a die study of these at one point but I haven't been able to find it.
They are pretty cool. I hope to own one someday.
I have this 1815 4 Soles from the Potosi mint. These are quite scarce.
That is a very nice example! The 4s seems like the scarcest denomination for these.
I have the die variety study within his book by Jansen.

Latin American Collection
Grumpy sunface for grumpy cat.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
@Boosibri excellent, thanks for the lead! I'll have to pick up a copy.