Odd 1954-D Lincoln Cent - Dipped in Mercury or something else?

So this coin has a silver appearance and weighs 3.6 grams - has damage (dents) both obverse and reverse. Assume all is post mint damage but looking for confirmation.
<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.mullencoins.com">Mullen Coins Website - Windycity Coin website
It looks kinda cool FWIW
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From your weight and the look I would say it has been plated not dipped in mercury. From the photos this all looks to be PMD.
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I'll take the first shot. Tough to be certain by the photos.
To me, it looks like it might be plated. The rim dings are where the coin would contact a rack.
The type of plating could be several things, but the very white color suggests to me that it might be chrome plated. Chrome is generally never plated using a barrel - only racks.
Could also be nickel, but that generally has a slightly yellow cast to it.
Zinc is also possible, same with tin and silver.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
Heavily plated
It has a chromium look to me.
Definitely plated. When I was in the Printed Circuit industry, employees were always plating coins in the various metals baths (lead, copper, nickel, silver, gold) even though it was not allowed. Usually the night shift guys. Would occasionally find a coin at the bottom of the gold tank, dropped and not recovered. Cheers, RickO
Back in the 1950's and 60's there was a company that sold charm bracelets with coins on them. One of their popular models offered a coin with each of a mother's children's birth years. Because normal cents tarnish, they plated everything to give them a uniform color. THis looks like one of them.