Confessions of a hot dog vendor

in Sports Talk
I found this to be very interesting.
"I used to work in a baseball park concession stand. The short answer is not to order anything, but if you absolutely have to buy something, don't buy the hotdogs.
Do not. Buy. The Hot Dogs.
They made it out of the package okay, and might even have been edible after we finished grilling them - and then they went into the water. We kept three pans of water at the back of the grill that held the hot dogs. Any hot dogs left at the end of the day went back into the fridge, and came out again the next day. Me and the other cook put our feet down on throwing out the water and old hotdogs after two full days, but the management didn't want to let us."
sad part, I always thought the hot dogs were the best tasting ball park food.
But then when I grew up, we drank out of water hoses that had been sitting in the sun all day.
I wonder if that's what SoFi stadium does, they definitely have some issues going on with their dogs, it looks like it's been sitting out in the sun all day.
Look at this SoFi stadium hot dog, it looks like something I made when I was drunk.
The SoFi hot dogs are disgusting! They All look just like this....

I think maybe they over cook them because the people in the kitchen have no idea what a hot dog, never ate one........Either way....STAY AWAY! They are laughably GROSS!
In high school I worked as a bag boy at a Supermarket Chain store. During my work shifts (which could be 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. or 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. or 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.) I would at times have to work in meat department and/or with the meat department employees.
Some of the stuff that happens in the meat department is disgusting, so much so that if I think about it too much I would never eat meat again.
I also had to work in the bakery department and/or with the bakery department employees. Some of the bakery department employees were attractive young women in their 20's. They liked to party hard and were very fun to be around.
You think that's bad, you should see the stadium food at soccer games in other countries.
I don't know what the heck this is supposed to be.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
In my experience, the only thing that rivals the hot dogs at SoFi in pure unadulterated horror is the hamburgers at Whataburger in Texas......Like,...who needs 85 gallons of mustard and ketchup on a hamburger?!?!?!......

I know exactly what it is......The culinary delight on the right is a bacon burger. Just like my stoner friends and I used to cook up out here on the ranch long, long ago!.......The extra added green sauce?.......That is the oral emission contribution of the diner......after the Hor D' Oeuvre............

Bon Appetit!!!!
Look at some of the other stadium food posted online, it's disgusting, this was offered in the executive box at a game.
Dragon Master....please stop.... IMMEDIATELY!!...... Grasshoppers hernia can't take anymore!.....😂😂😂😂😂
Me too. I was a butcher's boy one summer..........It was the choice job in town because I got to work in the freezer all day when the outside temperature was 110°......Ahhh.....But you're right if people saw behind the scenes..... They would be vegatarians........And, I had an Uncle who worked at a slaughter house near Witchita, Kansas. One day he gave me the grand tour of the place!!!!.....OMG!!!!.....Talk about sickening!!!!!
You do not want to know how the sausage is made or what's in it!!!!!!!.......Hot Dogs too!......Do you like eating animal eyeballs, etc.?.........Well, have if you've ever had a hot dog!.......GROSS!

I can't help it, I have nothing else to do, I'm waiting on football season to get here so I can begin roasting various quarterbacks for their fashion choices!
I like to read books written by David Baldacci.
One series of books he has written is centered around a very interesting lead character who goes by the name of Archer (he goes through many rough patches as a young man in the late 1940's and into the 1950's, but survives and thrives).
In the first book with Archer as a character a portion of the story takes place in a small southern town that has a slaughter house as one of its businesses. Archer ends up working for a while at the slaughterhouse. The story goes into some disturbing detail about the goings on that takes place there and into some of the persons who work there.
While reading this book and the portion of it centered around the slaughterhouse my mind wandered off into a "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" direction.
I vaguely recall a story about a Twins owner (either Carl Pohlad or Calvin Griffith) doing the same thing and not throwing hot dogs out at the end of the day.
Hey, Sanctionll, I'm going to look into Baldacci's writing.... Thanks for the tip.........I will say this.......At the slaughter house where my uncle worked, it was common for employees to have mental problems...... Suicides were very common and an occasional murder here or there....... My Uncle hung himself in the barn.........What I saw at that place was so horrid from start to finish!.... No wonder it drove people crazy......I grow vegetables.... I could live off only that and be a vegetarian..... EASY........but......I love a good CHEESEBURGER TOO!!!!!. MY FAVORITE!!!!!
P.S. Putting in the snap peas and more potatoes today.....OMG...the wonders The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant™ can create with potatoes, peas, and that Texas white gravey with a slice of cornbread on the side!.....And, I'm bringing in the pumpkins today. The ones my Little Jenny planted! Her Babies!

Jack-O-Lantern time!.....A little early but so what!!!!
You guys and this forum are wonderful!.... I expect the whole thing to get shut down at any moment..... It's too good to last!.

Texas Rangers "Broomstick" - The Boomstick is two feet long and costs $26, loaded with jalapenos, cheese sauce, onions, and chili.
Looks like a serious case of heartburn............

"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I have a confession to make.......The last MLB game that I attended was somewhere around 1990(?). Angels and Brewers. Anaheim Stadium. The stench and stink of the Nacho Chilli Cheese Chips in the air made me sick to my stomach. Then....leaving the game...... seeing all that left over crap thrown in the aisles made me think of just that......crap.....and vomit.....Never been back....No Regrets.

People Eat That Garbage????......
P.S. I grow Jalapenos. They are good. But..,.A little goes a LONG WAY!.....ONE of these little babies, and I mean LITTLE, is PLENTY!

And we were totally fine
Truth be told, I was checking the forums while eating breakfast. Then I stumbled upon this thread. Now I have a stomach ache.
um, yeah i would like to order the syphilis hot dog and, uh, i'll also take the bed of veggies with a rottweiler log on top
this thread is straight up unbelievable
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Galixico, glad to be of assistance!.... I found these custom hot dog molds for you!.....
Suggested after meal treat? Just what the Doctor Ordered!

No need to thank me.....It was my pleasure!...What are friends for?
Good gravy @hydrant think of the children
@galaxy27 I applaud the words you penned above. They really do... paint a picture 👍👍