Athletes in advertisement

in Sports Talk
Here's the thing, I've got a bunch of these athlete advertisements downloaded in my phone, and my phone is overloaded. I need to get rid of these photos to free up some space and I hate to waste things, do I figured I might as well dump them off here, a lot of vintage in the lot!
Start off with a John Madden beer ad.
Larry Bird McChicken sandwich!
Hank Aaron Camel cigarettes.
The famous Bo Jackson ad.
Tony Dorsett Lee jeans.
Reggie Jackson Panasonic.
Lou Gehrig Wheaties.
Willie Mays Alaga syrup.
George Brett 7up.
Terry Bradshaw Red Man chewing tobacco.
Marvin Hagler Right Guard.
Wayne Gretzky Domino's!
Mean Joe Greene Coca-Cola
Wilt Chamberlain Volkswagen.
Mike Schmidt Tastykake.
Jackie Robinson Bond Bread.
Bob Feller, Dreamsicle ice cream bars.
Greg Maddux, Fedex.
Shoeless Joe Jackson, Selz Shoes.
Otto Graham, Prest-o-lite batteries.
Dick Butkus, Nautilus gym equipment.
Mickey Mantle, Yoo-Hoo.
Ted Williams, Lucky Strike.
Randy White, Cedar Crest boots.
Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Adidas.
Earl Campbell smoked sausage!
Roger Staubach, Carrier Air conditioning.
Seeing these all together like this is a lot of fun and also stirs up many memories, thoughts, ideas, etc. Thank you @doubledragon .
You're welcome buddy, I've had these stored on my phone for months, I'd hate to see them go to waste, I thought you guys might enjoy a trip down memory lane.
Truth In Advertising.....

It's A Good Thing...
It's insane how cigarette companies infiltrated Baseball, a lot of the players did advertisemebts for cigarettes.
Jackie Robinson, Chesterfield cigarettes.
I love this Larry Bird advertisement for Converse.
Dragon Master.....please to let lowly grasshopper ask.......HOW THE HELL OLD ARE YOU!!!!!........INFILTRATE?!?!?!!.......When Grasshopper boy.....EVERYONE smoke the cigarette!!!!...... Grasshopper had 8 honorable Uncles and their beautiful concubines.....Many, many cousin..... Most Honored Father and Mother.......All but most honored Mother were NICOTINE FIENDS!....The little grasshoppers would lite and take first puff and then give to elders.....Honored Family Tradition....Teacher at school smoke the cigarette on little one's playground recess time.......INFILTRATE?????
Red Grange chocolate bar.
I am 41 years old, I used to smoke a pack a day, but I quit a few years back by using nicotine gum, but now I'm addicted to the nicotine gum!
Lou Gehrig, Ironman batteries.
Ken Stabler, Grenadiers cigars.
Babe Ruth, Red Rock Cola.
@Hydrant I smell what you're cookin
If you want to use an example to help things make sense, it's almost but not quite like the alcohol endorsements from pro athletes.
Wilt Chamberlain, Lord Calvert canadien whiskey.
Scottie Pippen, Ginsana.
Stan Musial, Beech-Nut gum.
Bobby Orr, Yardley cologne.
Babe Ruth, Old Gold cigarettes.
Bronko Nagurski, Wheaties.
Mike Tyson, Diet Pepsi.