It's official, Aaron Rodgers is a weirdo

He says that psychedelic drugs helped him!
Aaron Rodgers says psychedelic drugs led to ‘best season of my career’
Aaron Rodgers revealed his past use of psychedelic drugs not only helped improve his mental health, but ultimately led him to the “best season” of his NFL career.
Appearing on the Aubrey Marcus Podcast, the Green Bay Packers quarterback, 38, said ayahuasca — a psychoactive tea containing the hallucinogenic drug DMT — helped him “unconditionally love myself.”
“To me, one of the core tenets of your mental health is that self-love,” Rodgers told host Aubrey Marcus.
“That’s what ayahuasca did for me, was help me see how to unconditionally love myself.”
“It’s only in that unconditional self-love, that then I’m able to truly be able to unconditionally love others. And what better way to work on my mental health than to have an experience like that?”
The drug has been used for thousands of years as a traditional healing method in Central and South America.
The league’s reigning MVP has spoken out in recent years about his renewed passion for life and the game.
All in all, Rodgers said ayahuasca impacted his life in more ways than he could have ever imagined.
“I laid there afterward on my mat and then opened my eyes and it felt like I was opening my eyes for the first time,” he recalled.
The former Super Bowl champ noticed a difference in his relationship with the Packers since taking ayahuasca.
“I really feel like that experience paved the way for me to have the best season of my career.”
The former Super Bowl champ also noticed a striking difference in his relationship with the Packers since taking the plant-based psychedelic.
“The greatest gift I can give my teammates, in my opinion, is to be able to show up and to be someone who can model unconditional love to them,” the four-time NFL MVP continued.
“They won’t care about what you say until they know how much you care.”
Rodgers’ honest interview caught his rumored girlfriend’s attention, who praised the quarterback for “changing history and forging the future.”
Blu — who was first linked to Rodgers earlier this summer — said of his podcast chat, “Changing history and forging the future one courageous truth at a time. Legendary moves.”
Here, he's talking about getting stoned with with Danica Patrick in Peru!
"My intention the first night going in was I want to feel what pure love is. It was my intention, and it worked. I really did,” Rodgers said. “I had a magical experience with the sensation of feeling 100 different hands on my body imparting a blessing of love and forgiveness for myself and gratitude for this life from what seemed to be my ancestors. I came back and the pandemic hit.”
he's a bizarre guy, no question about it, but for some reason he has never bothered this Bears fan much outside of him perennially tying my team up to a whipping post and going to town
the one aspect of his life i think about more than any other -- and allow me to be serious for a moment -- is the fact that he's estranged from his family. that strikes me as a very sad state of affairs. my public service announcement o' the day: if anyone reading this is currently experiencing a divide with someone in his/her family, shore it up. it's not worth it. there will come a day when the opportunity to do is no longer an option, and it'll create a chasm in your heart that will remain there until you die
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I don’t dislike him for being weird, I just dislike him for his god complex on the field, he throws his teammates under the bus directly or indirectly, and he cares about personal stats over everything in my opinion. Then the drama over reporting to camp last year ect,, idk I just don’t like the guy, his estrangement from his family is no surprise
He has progressively gotten weirder and weirder over the years but he doesn’t hurt anyone so it’s not a big deal.
You are right about that my friend. I live in Texas, as people know, and my huge extended family is in Massachusetts with a tiny sprinkling throughout New England and the world. Lol.
For different reasons, that I won't get into here, my relationships with some family members were not what they used to be at some point. And when you are separated by so much distance, it's easier to let that fester. I have repaired those, and maintain them much stronger than ever. It took work, and it takes work. I had to make a conscious effort at it. It requires honesty and love. Very worth it. So you make a great point @galaxy27 . I don't know if Rodgers is still estranged from family, but either way it is a very important message to reiterate here.
Why are you obsessed with Rodgers personal life?
How about sticking to his on the field performance.
Or start threads about all the professional athletes that ruined themselves with off field behaviour
Hey DD, what I want to really know is when will mustache Jerry Jones be back? I miss him! lol
Basic Rules For Family Unity and Harmony
1). Only speak to your mother-in-law under extreme emergency conditions... e.g....The house is on fire..... or......The dam has collapsed and it's time to head for high ground. Remember. She doesn't like you and she doesn't want you to talk to her.
2) Only speak to your daughter-in-law under extreme emergency conditions.. e.g.....The baby is playing on the railroad tracks and fast action is necessary. She doesn't like you anyway.
3) Never initiate conversation with your father-in-law. Only listen to his boring hunting and fishing stories and nod your head up and down. An occasional "Humm" or "Ahh" is permissable on your part but kept it to the minimum. He doesn't like you because you ravished his little Princess and you will never be forgiven for that.
4) Never under any circumstances even think about talking to your sister-in-law. She hates you the most of anyone in the family because you have a stable family and she's currently separated from loser husband #3. She does not like you.
5) Never speak to your daughter-in-law's mother. She hates everyone. Especially your son because he is currently in a carnal relationship with her Little Princess but she hates you too because you are the father of your son....She hates everyone.
6) Never initiate conversation with your daughter-in-law's father. See rule #5) applies equally here. And he also hates you because the grandchildren like you more than they like him. He hates you.
Follow these simple rules for a happy, harmonious, united family life. And remember..... It's don't have to do anything except keep your mouth shut...... What could be more easy than that?
I will consider your request and get back to you momentarily. 🤔
After much consideration, I have decided that......I'm sorry, I just can't do it. You see, Rodgers is a one man circus and I must see the elephants!
Mustache Jones has received a six game suspension for his refusal to induct Jimmy Johnson into the Cowboys ring of honor, he will return week 7 of the NFL season.
It doesn't surprise me that Aaron Rodgers is all strung out on psychedelic mushroom tea, I still remember when he played stoned against the Cardinals last season, you could clearly see the crazy glue in his hand.
Double D is back in action 😄😄😄😄😄
As much as I miss mustache Jerry, I totally agree.
I'm still very disappointed in Aaron Rodgers, he's out there playing stoned on psychedelic mushrooms, if I were Matt Lafleur I would be very concerned.
What normal quarterbacks see on the field:
What Aaron Rodgers sees on the field:
I'm seriously concerned for Rodgers, I think the drugs are taking a toll on him, I mean just look at his appearance.
@doubledragon I have to be honest and admit, though this is hard for me to say, that the level you have taken your Rodgers bashing to almost makes me want to start defending the guy.
Please don't make me have to do that.. 😂😂🤬
I can't help myself, the guy is just so........weird, it's really quite fascinating!
How long do you think Brady would have lasted if he had been on the Rogers drug treatment?
Rogers should been have young when I was in the late 1960s. He would have been the perfect hippie. Of course, he might also have ended up in jail.