Buffalo varieties (2f, 3.5 leg)

Here is a grouping of Buffalo varieties that are now duplicates for me. Great opportunity to add some varieties to an album set. I also feel these are priced so new owner could have them attributed and still be right side up after attribution, but am willing to consider offers. I can take checks, MO, or PPF. Shipping is $4.
1916 No FAsking $15No F
1917 2F, Same die as the 64 shown on CoinFacts, with tiny remnant left. Asking $30 2F
17-D 2F asking $25 (rim damage)
1918-S Asking $50 2F
1919-D 2F asking $20,, small remnant in line with others attributed by PCGS 2F
1926-D 3 1/2 leg (item 1) asking $50
1926-D 3 1/2 leg (Item 2) asking $35
1929-S 2F asking $35
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album