Red Sox implosion continues

in Sports Talk
After being drubbed 28-5, they now find themselves 17.5 games out of first place and its safe to say the season is lost. Their once lead in the Wildcard is now 3 games back. I think that even if they lucked out and snagged a WC spot, the team isn't playing like winners, despite the abundance of talent, they appear to be mailing it in. With 66 games to go, its time for Dandy Don's signature song from long ago during MNF...turn out the lights...brief shots of Cora show a man who is like a deer in the headlights, he must hate to sit there in full view of the AL East scoreboard so prominently displayed on the Green Monster Wall. Gotta be tought to look a GB 17.5
Wow I didn’t know 17.5 is only 3 games out of the Wildcard. That means the Orioles are nipping at their heel too.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Must be very painful for you, MCM. The most dedicated and faithful to the team baseball fans I know are BoSox fans.
Actually no pain at all, but, I'll admit to a bit of disappointment. I have been a heavy critic of the team over many posts. True, like most team fans, Red Sox Nation is extremely faithful to all Boston area sports, Celtics, Bruins, Patriots. My thing is the amount of money paid to players who simply do not perform up to expectations. I have no clue how this came into being, but, I would think a reasonable season salary, commensurate with years of service and other tangibles, with performance accomplishments at the end of the season would warrant the big Brinks truck to drop a ton of cash upon them. Baseball is not the game I watched as a kid. You need not search to hard in the Red Sox payroll to see the obscenity. Chris Sale is a case in point, I'll give you the broken finger, but he has been a disaster and IMO, he's over-hyped, over-paid and under-performing for the past 2 years. $60 million in 2 years. He probably doesn't give a rip about the standings, he's got his money.
John Henry, the owner of the Red Sox team is certainly not getting his bang for buck. I've pretty much lost interest in the team this year and previous years haven't been so rah, rah either. The obvious punishing embarrassment for the Red Sox team are the home games where they have little choice but to constantly look at the standings in left field, where the entire American League East Division teams are listed...they gotta look at GB 17.5. And yes, it won't be long before the lowly Baltimore Orioles eclipse the Red Sox in the standings.
Cora, the team manager, is too much of a marshmallow, the team needs a Dick Williams type to light a fire and return to the "cowboy up" era of 2004.
Like my Giants, missing some keys, it happens.
they are playing like amateurs right now
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
One of my biggest baseball disappointments in life is that I've never been to game at Fenway. It was always a childhood dream.

I've been by the place many times but the Sox were never in town at the time......Oh, Well.........The flip side???.......One of the VERY BEST baseball things that ever happened to me?......I got to be around Ted Williams when I was a young guy!.....Teddy Ballgame.....A REAL MAN!......Wow!.....MAGIC!
What a Man!
What a Swing!
Fenway Park is a special place, the oldest MLB park and has an unmatched history of players who've played there, including Babe Ruth. I was lucky to have seen Ted Williams play several times when I was a kid, Mickey Mantle as well.
Even though the team isn't in town, perhaps you didn't know that they offer tours of the park, which include the clubhouse and inside the Green Monster, where there are a zillion signatures of current and former players.
If you ever go, make sure you get seats somewhere along the 3rd base line, whether day or night game. The sun sets along a line from the right field foul pole to the left field foul pole, the angle of the sun can be piercing for a little while along the right field area till it sets. The bleachers aren't called bleachers for nothing, no shade and you just cook during a summer game. If you want the ultra experience and can stand the price, Monster Wall seats are the ticket. Next time you see Fenway, there is a 420' sign in deep center field, just to the right of that is a "pizza-like" slice of seats, that's where I watched the games as a kid. I don't know how my dad got those tix, but that's always where we sat.
Like others, Williams missed 5 years of baseball while in his prime...imagine his stats had the war not happened.
Great ideas on where to sit in Fenway. I too saw Ted play and remember my dad teasing me and calling him the splendid spitter after an incident at the park. He still loved Ted though and we went to many games there.
It’s all about the Red Sox of old … all hit, no pitch.
Now its no hit, no pitch.
Wait till next year again!
That is one fantastic card!
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Rip it all down and rebuild it from the ground up
Might just as well at this point.