Since these appear to be your coins and the intention of the thread was to drum up interest in their sales and raise the selling prices, the thread should be moved to the BST and not left on the general US coin forum. I might "read" like a jerk here, but if everyone started a US coin forum thread for coins they had at auction or otherwise for sale then the US coin forum would be even less useful...though it might push down all those "error" and "underweight/overweight" threads down a bit.
glad i looked up the trueviews. the coins look nice in those.
all nice marriages.
Since these appear to be your coins and the intention of the thread was to drum up interest in their sales and raise the selling prices, the thread should be moved to the BST and not left on the general US coin forum. I might "read" like a jerk here, but if everyone started a US coin forum thread for coins they had at auction or otherwise for sale then the US coin forum would be even less useful...though it might push down all those "error" and "underweight/overweight" threads down a bit.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Yeah, this 100% belongs in BST.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
Heading over to the BST to see what I missed....
Cheers, RickO