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1795 $5 Small Eagle BD-12 (R-6+) Strong AU Details at Alex Cooper Auctions

Alex Cooper Auctions in Baltimore has a few nice early Federal gold coins in its July Gallery auction. The coin here is a 1795 Draped Bust Small Eagle $5 with strong AU details. It is the BD-12 variety, the 4th rarest of the 12 varieties at a high R-6 with an estimated 12-15 known. It once resided in jewelry and was probably an original Unc until it was cut out, leaving only several small pieces of metal on the eagle's breast and some scratches where it was done. The color is a gorgeous dark original, perhaps burnt orange (I need a paint store sometimes to describe colors!)that really increases the eye appeal. Without the problem, this might sell for $40-$60,000 in this market but is listed at $18,000 to $25,000. John Dannreuther varified the DB-12 attribution.

The auction link is https://bid.alexcooper.com/lots/view/1-655TXU/1795-5-draped-bust-small-eagle-au-details-bd-12 . There is also a 1798 $5 and an 1802/1 $5 along with many other collector coins.


  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    To me, any gold coin with a date starting with 17... is amazing, no matter the grade/details. Cheers, RickO

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