What the hell happened to ESPN Sunday Night Baseball?

in Sports Talk
So the Yankees are playing the Red Sox this week which naturally means Sunday Night Baseball. I tune in to watch my Yankees - a rare chance since I live in Maryland and I'm too cheap to buy MLB Extra Innings.
Basically the whole game is a 'show' with Michael Kay and Alex Rodriguez and a bunch of guests on screen the whole time with the video of the game in the background. They're talking about everything except the game. No play by play, just chatting with Billy Crystal, David Duchovny, etc. Even with the Yankees winning, I had to give up on that (poop) show.
That is on ESPN2. Regular play by play guys are on ESPN.
OK, that makes more sense - it was really atrocious. Anyway, silver lining was that since it was so bad that I stopped watching, I didn't see the Yankees blow their lead and get pummeled
Kay ans Rodrigues are the reason I will not watch Sunday night baseball. They are a joke as announcers. If I am forced to watch because I can't get the game elsewhere I turn the sound OFF. All they want to do is pimp for the yankees.
I was looking at it on a Fox channel.
It wasn’t much of a game after the first inning anyway.
The Fox telecasts are so much more enjoyable than ESPN. A whole lot less clutter and crawls on the bottom of the screen and more intelligent conversation. I like John Smoltz as a broadcaster.