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Thoughts on an 1802 Bust Dollar?

burfle23burfle23 Posts: 2,262 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 8, 2022 6:21AM in U.S. Coin Forum

NGC and I wrote articles on these- NGC on the original "1802" seen and mine on the extended "family" of struck fakes, based on a 1799 B-10/ BB-163 large eagle reverse dollar:

We have seen all dates from 1798 through 1804, including and 1804!

The latest offering for sale on the internet:

Many matching marks with the previous 1802 including the "flattened 1", but with a different reverse which I have not tried to attribute yet...

My Coin Week summary article can be found at https://coinweek.com/counterfeits/struck-counterfeit-coins-a-second-family-of-struck-fake-draped-bust-dollars/

The last few images in the article ended up out of sync with the captions but I think you can still get the drift!

Best, Jack.


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