8 Reales Cap & Rays Chopmark or?

This is the second time I see on a 8R with something on top of the word LIBERTAD between the letters BE:
Anyone have seen this? It is a chopmark or something else?
This is the second time I see on a 8R with something on top of the word LIBERTAD between the letters BE:
Anyone have seen this? It is a chopmark or something else?
Appears to be a little sun, maybe:

Did a little more research on the net, and can see there are two varieties, Dot on Cap & Star on Cap, maybe this might be a different one or the Star on Cap too placed on different spot.
But the Star on Cap seems that can be found here:

The implementation/meaning of those is going to vary over time and between different branch mints, though.
The 2nd piece is a mint-made mark; 1st one presents more like a lone chop.
Can you show the full pics with date/mint, plus reverse?
EDIT: As swamperbob and others have discussed on CoinCommunity, the star or dot on cap varieties appear on Guanajuato 8R of the 1830s... that 2nd piece you posted is of that type.
I'm guessing the 1st piece is a later date?
This coin is from a set I bought that still is not on my hands yet.
Here are both sides:

I'm leaning towards a chop. It's not a dot/star on cap variety as those are in the earlier Go issues as pointed out by Realeswatcher. There appear to be a few more interesting spots, like 12 o'clock on the obverse and 4 o'clock and under the wing on the reverse
8 Reales Madness Collection
Looks like a chopmark.
Thank you, it got my interest because of that particular sun like chopmark, I tend not to buy coins with chopmarks, btw I'm still learning on these.
With those other marks, I'd call it a partial chop of some kind.