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Please think before you post...

AFLfanAFLfan Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭

Hey. I hope everyone is well. I've noticed things getting a bit squirrely in the forums lately and I have had to shut down some threads. Lots of stuff that might be proper discussion among friends or in another setting, but definitely doesn't belong on this forum. I'm asking everyone to please think about the path a thread or comment might follow BEFORE YOU POST IT. If you can easily envision how it might turn into something ugly, please do not post it. This is a sports talk forum. I am fine with some off-topic discussions as long as they stay respectful of everyone, not just for your personal thoughts and feelings. Good natured ribbing is one thing, but some of the stuff I have seen lately is completely different.

Let's keep things moving in the right direction.

Thanks, Todd

Todd Tobias - Grateful Collector - I focus on autographed American Football League sets, Fleer & Topps, 1960-1969, and lacrosse cards.


  • doubledragondoubledragon Posts: 23,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I apologize to everyone for some of these threads I've been starting, I know better and I'm going to think before I post from here on. Again, I apologize and it won't happen again.

  • AFLfanAFLfan Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My post above was not meant to single you out, @doubledragon, but I appreciate your reply. Several members have been making comments that are probably more appropriate for a different forum. We can all just take this as a reminder and move forward with the thought in mind.

    Todd Tobias - Grateful Collector - I focus on autographed American Football League sets, Fleer & Topps, 1960-1969, and lacrosse cards.
  • doubledragondoubledragon Posts: 23,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @AFLfan said:
    My post above was not meant to single you out, @doubledragon, but I appreciate your reply. Several members have been making comments that are probably more appropriate for a different forum. We can all just take this as a reminder and move forward with the thought in mind.

    You're welcome, and I appreciate your patience with us. Guys let's not take advantage of Todd's kindness, we all know the rules around here, he shouldn't have to constantly remind us.

  • thisistheshowthisistheshow Posts: 9,386 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Todd, I appreciate the "leash" you give us. I am a member of several online forum communities. Done have almost no rules, yet I spend more time here than all the others combined. I'd hate to lose this place, as I see it as more than an online forum, and more as a community of friends. I'm sure many feel the same way.

  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,225 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I will take some blame since I know my opinions are not quite with the times.

    My apologies.

    But seriously can the NFL get here quicker???

  • 2dueces2dueces Posts: 6,559 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @perkdog said:
    I will take some blame since I know my opinions are not quite with the times.

    My apologies.

    But seriously can the NFL get here quicker???

    Exactly 3 months and counting

    "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
  • HydrantHydrant Posts: 7,773 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 8, 2022 8:05AM

    I understand where you're coming from AFL Fan. And I understand the bind that some recent topics put you in as moderator. Personally, before posting, I put more thought into my post about the Carolina cheerleader than anything I've ever posted here before. And, I appreciate the leeway you allow us to go off topic from sports time to time. This crowd needs that.....keeps people happy! But, there is a problem. And not all problems have a solution..... The problem, as I see it, is this..........The world of sports in this country is not isolated from the rest of society. It is an integral part the general American culture. A big part. Huge. For the last several years, since the Colin K. protests began, the sports world has been under an ever increasing pressure from the culture at large to conform to newly proscribed norms. The list is endless;.... Colin K., All Star game moved out of Atlanta, biological males competing in women's sports, Carolina cheerleaders, slogans on uniforms, messages in the endzones, National anthem controversy, patches on the Devil Rays uniforms (resulting in actual death threats I might add), the list is endless and it's not going to stop. Those are all legitimate sports related stories. And the conundrum?......One side creates a controversial situation and demands that the other side accept it and at the same times demands silence of opinion from the opposition. Pretty good deal.......

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,290 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Hydrant said:

    I understand where you're coming from AFL Fan. And I understand the bind that some recent topics put you in as moderator. Personally, before posting, I put more thought into my post about the Carolina cheerleader than anything I've ever posted here before. And, I appreciate the leeway you allow us to go off topic from sports time to time. This crowd needs that.....keeps people happy! But, there is a problem. And not all problems have a solution..... The problem, as I see it, is this..........The world of sports in this country is not isolated from the rest of society. It is an integral part the general American culture. A big part. Huge. For the last several years, since the Colin K. protests began, the sports world has been under an ever increasing pressure from the culture at large to conform to newly proscribed norms. The list is endless;.... Colin K., All Star game moved out of Atlanta, biological males competing in women's sports, Carolina cheerleaders, slogans on uniforms, messages in the endzones, National anthem controversy, patches on the Devil Rays uniforms (resulting in actual death threats I might add), the list is endless and it's not going to stop. Those are all legitimate sports related stories. And the conundrum?......One side creates a controversial situation and demands that the other side accept it and at the same times demands silence of opinion from the opposition. Pretty good deal.......

    on point fire hydrant

    i give you likey

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • HydrantHydrant Posts: 7,773 ✭✭✭✭✭

    To add; When Kobe Bryant died in that helicopter crash awhile back, A thread about it started over on the coin forum. Things got a little off track and the subject of Bryant's past involment in a lawsuit came up. I didn't see anything terrible about it but....banned, banned, banned! So many old timers got banned because of that thread. It was a massacre. Some things are just out of bounds for discussion...... That's just the way it is........So,.....Take AFL Fan's advice. It's offered in a well meaning way......Think Before You Post.......

  • AFLfanAFLfan Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 8, 2022 8:39AM

    @Hydrant - You make a very good point. Our world is changing rapidly. Each of these changes is complex and highly nuanced, making them very difficult to simply define as either good or bad, right or wrong. I try to put myself in the people's shoes who are instigating change and attempt to understand their perspective. Sometimes I can see their point and ultimately change my way of thinking and other times I cannot. Sports are often deeply involved in those areas of change and it is only natural that members would want to post about them and discuss with friends and forum members. Unfortunately some topics, while part of sports, are simply too hot or potentially polarizing to be discussed on this forum.

    I prefer to give warnings over banning people, though I have certainly had to do that as well. It is usually a case of someone blatantly disregarding suggestions and PMs to change a particular behavior. I cannot dedicate all of my working hours to the forum, so if people make a point to continue disregarding rules, then I have to ban them. It's not something I enjoy, but is part of my job. I'd much rather handle issues like we are doing now, with a bit of discussion and mutual understanding.

    Todd Tobias - Grateful Collector - I focus on autographed American Football League sets, Fleer & Topps, 1960-1969, and lacrosse cards.
  • streeterstreeter Posts: 4,312 ✭✭✭✭✭

    College fall camp opens in about 8 weeks. I gave up on baseball.

    The dog days of summer. I may need to go back to coins but turn around times are 2-3 months and by then fall football is here.
    What's a guy to do?

    Have a nice day
  • Steven59Steven59 Posts: 9,049 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @streeter said:

    What's a guy to do?

    Well if the kid can figure it out.........

    "When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"

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