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  • omgjediomgjedi Posts: 111 ✭✭✭

    You got that right. Two entire families that I know just moved there. Grandparents, parents, kids, everybody........... A young man was at the house working on the AC here a month ago and he told me that he is moving to Texas with his family and that they are going to live near his brother who also just moved there! .....then, I asked one of my boys why we never hear from an old high school girlfriend of his anymore. He told me she moved to Texas!......Oh and I forgot this one......The Lovely Mrs. Hydrants™ long time best friend also just moved to Texas to be close to her children and grandchildren who also moved to Texas from here!.....and this one!.........I ran into a young man, a locksmith, awhile back and I asked why I never see him around town anymore....... You got it........moved to Texas with the wife and kids!.....

    But it's not just Texas......people are moving in droves and heading out just anywhere to get away from here. It makes sense. Young people are priced out of the housing market, can't find a good job, and gas is $7 a gallon around here now. It's a hopeless situation for them.

    "All my exes live in Texas". My mom lives in Houston area and the housing market is pretty wild still with all the transplants pricing the born and bred Texans out of homes since their cracker box California houses are selling for around a million in the bay area and So Cal there. Making them able to put down over asking price cash offers. Same thing with a few folks I know from Boise that are getting frustrated at the housing market boom and the small town rapidly becoming a major city over the last 10 years or so. California is a great place don't get me wrong, but has it's fair share problems like any other state. Just luckily I don't mind living further out in the "boonies" where it's at least more affordable or else I would be probably packing up for another state as well. Where I lived in the bay area was around one of the cheaper spots to live, and the last straw was looking for a new place to rent and the cheapest option was 700 a month for a 15'x12' room.

  • HydrantHydrant Posts: 7,773 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 10, 2022 9:12AM

    I'm not trying to start any controversy here but I would like to make a point........Not just here on the forum, but I hear it all the time, that people in other states don't like Californians moving to their states and bringing those "California Values" with them.....Two points...1) The people who are moving are not the stereotypical California nut jobs. They are family people who are looking for a better place to raise their children. Who can blame them?.....2. The vast majority of those people who are moving were either born in another state than California or they are the Children of people who moved to California themselves...... Just off the top of my head, when I was a kid my best friends parents were from...Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, etc. They're just going back home now. But what is actually funny is that when I was a kid, the old time Californians (of which there are not very many)
    were always griping about how all those New Yorkers, etc. were coming here with those crazy New York ways of theirs! What Goes Around Comes Around.

  • thisistheshowthisistheshow Posts: 9,386 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I opened your link, and it took me a second to figure out why you posted it. Until I scrolled up and saw what thread I was in. I had forgotten. I thought this was a Texas/California thread.

  • VikingDudeVikingDude Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭

    Patriots - the name is all it takes.

  • doubledragondoubledragon Posts: 23,269 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Hydrant said:
    I'm not trying to start any controversy here but I would like to make a point........Not just here on the forum, but I hear it all the time, that people in other states don't like Californians moving to their states and bringing those "California Values" with them.....Two points...1) The people who are moving are not the stereotypical California nut jobs. They are family people who are looking for a better place to raise their children. Who can blame them?.....2. The vast majority of those people who are moving were either born in another state than California or they are the Children of people who moved to California themselves...... Just off the top of my head, when I was a kid my best friends parents were from...Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, etc. They're just going back home now. But what is actually funny is that when I was a kid, the old time Californians (of which there are not very many)
    were always griping about how all those New Yorkers, etc. were coming here with those crazy New York ways of theirs! What Goes Around Comes Around.

    The thing that would scare me about living in California is the earthquakes, it's only a matter of time before the big one hits, I can't imagine living right on top of the San Andreas fault, it would be nerve wracking.

  • HydrantHydrant Posts: 7,773 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm Looking For Volunteers

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