What became of the ANA registry concept ?
Where both PCGS and NGC are included
It’s a great idea !
I manage money. I earn money. I save money .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Sounds a lot like the ATS registry.
Coin Photographer.
No idea.
There was a lot of noise about it a year ago. We even got a URL. Supposedly coins from NGC's registries were to be automatically imported.
And then...crickets.
I emailed them about it back in 2020 and was told fall of that year. Emailed them again about it last year, no response.
Safe to assume it's dead in the planning stages. Typical of the ANA projects these days... big talk, grandiose plans, no results.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
From Legend's latest Hot Topics: "When I was on the ANA board I told them 3 things: one was to start a Registry for BOTH PCGS and NGC coins. Become an online University. Last, they were going to lose the fees from major auction companies in a few years. They bumbled and blew the first one..."
Sounds like it never got off the ground.
I have no idea. But taking a guess at it, the organization realized how much would need to be done to do it and maybe even correctly. Setup of and what type of registry, programming, maintenance of and problem resolution, user support (how to, not working, cert # issue...), updates and/or changes to and/or new sets... The cost of it all.
Now who could use and how much the organization could gain from it (from users and ads...) is another question. Might be a net win or loss. No idea here.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed
RLJ 1958 - 2023
I’m not that excited about the ANA concept, anymore, ever since NGC started allowing PCGS coins back into their registries, as well as their own.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Nice idea, but an ANA registry would be a huge cost that would not be offset by grading submissions, the cost would be financed by increased dues.
I figure NGC allowing PCGS coins back in the registry cooled the jets.
I wonder how much of Laura's difficulties was the fact she is female or the fact she is blunt and uncompromising. I suspect the combination combined with her obvious spectacular knowledge of numismatics made many a coin dealer irate. I hope her health battles resolve themselves and she is finally able to relax and enjoy the good life coins has provided her. I admit to enjoying getting her goat when it was just fun and games but now am worried for her and hope the best...
I don"t see how they could do it without an exorbitant dues increase which will decimate membership.
We've been doing that and more for silver dollars at the SSDC Registry for over a decade and the driver was not $$$ but enthusiasm in maintaining it. To scale it up and polish the look would naturally require some investment, but the costs are vastly over estimated. And if it did cost a lot, that would be more of an indictment of the dedication and burden sharing.
I’m guessing the idea was a lot more interesting than the execution of the plan. There’s a tremendous amount of website and database design that would be required to do something at that scale,. Translation - $$$$$, and tons of oversight, etc. Like many things, corporations do it better already.
Why duplicate what the services are already doing? Better to allocate funds toward some other unfulfilled need.