Viking silver bar horde found
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What an amazing find!
"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
stacking is not a new thang.
Cool find.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Very cool read. Thanks for sharing
Very interesting....Sure is a treasure hunters dream.... And we know we have those dreams. Cheers, RickO
And where did that stacking get them? Most likely food for ravens.
Good to see antiquities were discovered.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Nice dig. Unearthing the past. Rediscovering silver. How fitting.
I wonder how much is still in the ground. Maybe I should just move to Europe.
100% Positive BST transactions
Or in the oceans, undiscovered shipwrecks and pirate booty.
Cool Viking treasure, I especially like the ornate silver bracelets that were hammered flat like bars.
It's all about what the people want...
Interesting. I thought they’d be bigger.
A comment uttered through the millennia...
The silver Outlasted them and their currency by more than 1000 years
Silver did It’s job. not the hoard’s fault that the owners Didn’t share the insurance policy’s location
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Gotta love the personification of silver.
But I'll play....the silver most likely got them killed. Great insurance!!
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Zero basis for that assumption. At most you could assume that it got the prior owner killed - unless you believe their ghost was able to bury it.
Silver doesn't make me feel more secure, or promise me better health, or potentially rich beyond my wildest dreams, but I am glad I have what silver I have. Everything in life is a gamble, but you don't have to be stupid, either. Silver has a better prospect of being regarded as a medium of exchange when and if other systems are failing.
I knew it would happen.
Well, proof positive that silver is a store of value going through the centuries. These Vikings just made this silver some of the most valuable on the planet ounce for ounce.
Interesting and amazing.