Unmarked metal detector

Can anybody identify the manufacture of this metal detector? My wife found this metal detector on our local neighborhood online buy and sell forum. We paid $25 for it and it appears to work. I haven't actually tried it out because of the wet weather I really can't go anywhere till maybe this weekend. The previous owner has no idea who the manufacturer is or where the operating manual book is. I looked all over the metal detector and cannot find a manufacturer or a serial number or model number. I'm just curious if anybody might know a model or make of metal detectors that may resemble this or maybe know exactly who made this one? I appreciate any opinions and thanks for your time.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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If the detector has "metal detector" on it, it's most likely an Ali Baba special. The big manufacturers usually have their logo/name and possibly model easily seen.
It has metal Detector on it just below the meter screen. So it is just an inexpensive/cheap knock-off. If that is the case, OK. I was just looking for a starter detector. If I really like metal detecting and decide to buy a better detector,, then one of my grandkids can use this one. At $25, It is a win-win. Hey , thanks for the info, appreciate it.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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I have never seen that type/model before.... seems generic and maybe as mentioned above, an Alibaba unit. Try it out when you can... maybe even put different coins/metals in your yard and test it.... Let us know how it goes. Cheers, RickO
@ricko It is getting dryer here, we have had tremendous rain storms this last few weeks, even riding lawn mowers are getting stuck in yards. I plan to check it out this weekend and will let you know how works. thanks
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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@JWP ... Good luck and have fun. Remember, it certainly will not be of the caliber used by many here, but it is likely a fun beginner... And as you said, if you like the hobby, you can get a better machine and the kids can use that one. Well worth the $25 investment. Cheers, RickO
I finally was able to get a time to get out and check this generic unmarked metal detector. We dug in a relative's backyard in a garden plot so as not to disturb the rest of the yard. We found metal fragments along with nails. we found some broken pottery that possibly the previous owner had thrown in as a junk pile. However, with finding the nails we came across a super unexpected find. We did not expect to find a broken Arrowhead while we're doing this. Within ten minutes of starting and digging holes in this area we found the arrowhead. We progressed down to find more nails probably from building of the house that the builders put in a pile like they normally do to burn the excess scrap. When we started we had no idea that this was possibly a scrap burn pit from the construction crew. But the arrowhead just surprised us all and we're still talking about it. The metal detector worked rather nicely, detecting the nails at a depth of over a foot. For a $25 generic used detector. It actually picked up down to one foot. I was really happy with the performance of it and the arrowhead made the day even nicer. After a few more trips I may have to seriously think about actually find a better detector. However, this one seemed to do the job rather well for his first trip out.

USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Well, it works for sure... and if it found those items (and we have all found many such items), it could find good stuff as well. The arrowhead is a bonus find... Thanks for the update. Cheers, RickO
I set up my metal detectors so that they either ignore nails, or, so that nails give an iron signal that tells me not to bother digging. Everybody occasionally gets fooled by iron falsing; but, I don't know anybody who deliberately wants to dig nails.
This metal detectors generic and doesn't have that option you either turned on or turned off. I wish we could do that but not possible no manufacturer label on it. I got it used with no user manual.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Your metal detector is a Winbest Pro Edition by Barska. You can see it on Barska.com.
I happened to see it by random chance on Craigslist today, never had heard of Barska before.
You are mistaken about your detector not having discrimination. The discrimination knob will let you eliminate iron, nickels, pulltabs, etc. This isn't as good as notch discrimination; but, there's no reason you should be digging nails and only nails, even with this el cheapo detector.
You could be correct . However, with out a manual it is hard to determine once you turn the left knob and no longer in the detect all metals, where that position is on the unmarked panel. Thanks for the info, I will look at it and maybe i can print/order a users manual. It worked great for $25 and and also being used.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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@BAyard1908 Thanks for the info. I just printed the Users manual, still will have to play with the sensitivity Disc knob. The manual says just turn clockwise until I guess you have set where you like it. Thanks again, This is why this forum is so great, Members like you help others out and it is really appreciated. Thanks again, jon
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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Great that you identified the MD, and got the manual. Good luck with your hunts. Cheers, RickO
Next time I'm over that way we will have to get out. We can let you borrow a higher end model.
Sounds like a good plan. We picked up this use metal detector for $25 and it detected down to at least one foot plus. Well we're digging up nails and Staples and any other unwanted thing we found a Broken Arrow Head. That was the surprising fine. The other surprise was that the metal detector actually work pretty good. Hope you're doing okay on the farm it's going to be in the nineties here in Western Tennessee kind of like a sweat box. Just got home and I'm enjoying the air conditioning. Talk to you later
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
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