1914 Caballito, A New Coin For Me, Back From Hosts, Look at Graded 1914 in 4/30 Post!

I got this coin not long ago and was fairly happy with it as it was semi-affordable and appeared presentable to me at least. Here it is and GTG if you like WITHOUT looking it up:
Love that Milled British (1830-1960)
Well, just Love coins, period.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Ms 61
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
If you got a nice 1914 that was "semi-affordable" - kudos. Tough date.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Looks to be Uncirculated, but doesn't show the luster I'd expect; old cleaning maybe?
Nice series to collect, super investment. Nice slabbed tough to find / low pop.
That’s a series I would work on slabbed date set.
This a series where coins are graded all over the place and the strike is not always great. I have seen coins like that everywhere from 60-64. I would give the picture a 64.
It’s got some noticeable hits and no (apparent) luster. Of course, luster is difficult to show in a photo. I will go out on a limb and say UNC Detail, cleaned.
Instinct is Unc Cleaned... But do not hate it...
Actually luster not at all bad in hand. To me it looks like it has sat face up and a bit of oxidation; strike is certainly alright. No real hairlines visible and not the sort of toning that would likely wipe them out. I have seen other series coins go in the 62-3 range but this one gets graded differently I suppose.
Bit of dirt or oxidation seems to cling to the devices in and around horse and rays.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Looks like some paraphrasing here to me! There's no way to determine the grade assigned for that coin other than whether it is circulated or not from that picture IMHO!
That's a nice coin, I went yesterday to a mini-expo and it was one, I didn't buy:

I only have the 1910 in MS62.
Luis, keep it going. This is a wonderful series but is getting expensive in nicer unc. grades...
Well, just Love coins, period.
I will give it a try, I saw one 1913 gone, as soon was posted (at 2k MS62, few weeks ago), have seen the other dates too, but yes way too expensive now, and also if I buy these, They need to be in MS only.
In the show, I went this past weekend, the guy also had the 1911 and 1912 graded, but also CLEANED (not nice et-al).
Yes, that is what there is a lot of. Ebay has a lot of bums on it & other venues you have to watch carefully. It doesn't really matter that the 1914 and 1913/2 are more expensive to me and really a nicely struck and preserved specimen of ANY date is great.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Here is a PCGS62, no comment:
Well, just Love coins, period.
Just got the results from this one. I won’t post the grade if you would like to guess.
I certainly hope it got a 65 from the pictures, but after they beat on my 1914 who knows? I sent a 1913 in from Baltimore that I hope does likewise but is toned nicely.
Well, just Love coins, period.
I was surprised to see that at only a 64, even with a couple of very mild hits as the strike and luster IMHO should have brought it up. I was still rather surprised that those feeling the OP coin is "Unc Cleaned", then what the heck is that graded MS62 coin remotely acceptable - that one appears not just cleaned but possibly polished and of very poor strike.
Well, just Love coins, period.
I agree with you. Here is another if you would like to hone your skills.
All of the coins in this thread look like they are appropriately graded IMO.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
Even the MS62? I really do not think so, at least from the photos and the problem with such a coin is it seems to set grading askew.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Yes, I would have guessed 62 from those images. It looks dipped but not cleaned (concentrated hairlines), and has chatter in line with the grade. The two 64s have slightly off luster from having been treated, which prevents a gem grade.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
Well, lustre loss is tremendous on that coin and look at details such as the rays, 3rd and 4th from the left that have taken much damage, or the rump, tail and rear haunches of Libertad's horse? Or the fields that have a shined up appearance, possibly to make up for what appears to be a mildly rusty die and many marks that seems to belie a simple dip. The torch is softly struck and lacks any detail having flattened out. There are marks and scratches on the mound below horse that I do not see on the OP coin or any of the others - so clearly not just soft strike and shine or polish. Yikes, if that is 62 I would say you could grade my coins any time but you rather hit the OP coin which appears def. superior as do the others.
Well, just Love coins, period.
A 62 by definition isn’t a choice grade. It’s low mint state and will have some issues. I don’t see anything that looks like a major problem at that grade. And of course the other two are superior, they’re one grade below gem. 64s can be very nice coins. They still all look accurately graded.
Gobrecht's Engraved Mature Head Large Cent Model
Here's another 62
That is more like it, the 62 from 4/30 post just does NOT make it, yours clearly does. I like how some have a distinctly prooflike appearance.
Nice coin there, Sir!
Well, just Love coins, period.
Great coin, very clean, well struck
Well, I think so but ownership colors one's vision. I am still shocked that it was graded as they did and will note that it appears far superior to the "MS62" pictures of the coin in the 4/30/2022 post.
Thanks, by the way
Well, just Love coins, period.
And, Lord have mercy, the newer post with the slabbed MS63 just seems inexcusable and this coin is up for sale at a well-known auction site:
Well, just Love coins, period.
I'm jealous. A Caballito is on my "to-do" list, and I have not yet checked that one off.
Get one with a "full head" on Señorita Libertada if you can as some not well struck. IMO, even one with just a bit of wear looks much better fully struck - this quality is not yet generally appreciated in this series...
Well, just Love coins, period.
BTW, on a small show I went, from a group of collectors, a week ago, there was a 1914 Caballito raw for sale, but with a short ray, I think it was made from a 1911 short ray type, and they added the 4 within the one, a very good job, since one cannot tell if that 4 was original. Something also I noticed that the 1 and 4 were too close, nothing about how the 14 is on an original 1914.
I do not have any image, on the next show, will see if show up again, and will try take a photo.