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More Errors Pics and Questions

keojkeoj Posts: 980 ✭✭✭

Received the last batch of errors coins back from grading and a couple are shown below.....please excuse the color, white balance was off.

Comments and discussion are welcome. I have questions...

The 1918-S cent, I have never heard of that error description. When I look at the coin, it feels like there are silver fragments embedded in the coin. Very odd. Can someone describe this error to me as to what caused it.

The 1969-D 50c Reverse Struck Through. It almost looks the strike through was a quarter. What would account for the reeding marks in the periphery of the smaller indent? Again, not sure what caused this.

The other coins are pretty neat as well. The 25c die adjustment strike is interesting...are they rare?

Thanks and enjoy. keoj


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