Worst Stadium You've Ever Been To

in Sports Talk
For me it's easy and a toss up. The Houston Astrodome and the Seattle Kingdome. No wonder the Oilers left Houston and the Kingdome?.....What a DUMP!.......I went to many games at those two places..... claustrophobic hell holes!!!!
Since I no longer live in New England, I can say this and not get shot. Fenway Park. The seats down the right field line stink because the angle to the field. You can pay big bucks for sets way out in right field that require field glasses to see the game. AND there are lots girders that are not see-though.
I used to go to games at Connie Mack Stadium in Philadelphia when I was kid. That stadium gave most fans better seats than Fenway Park.
So far as bad stadiums for the players which tore up their legs and shortened their careers, it would hard to be the old Veterans' Stadium in Philadelphia. The playing surface was the pits. It was said to be like playing on concrete with a thin layer of Astro Turf on top.
Bill, one of the biggest regrets for me is that I have never got to go to a game at Fenway. I did go to a game at Connie Mack and I enjoyed it because it was so outdated, etc......fun time.. And Veteran's Stadium?.....I only drove by it one time on the way to the airport to pick up The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant.......my impression of it?........UGLY!....UGLY!.... UGLY!.......A circular monstrosity set in a field of asphalt!..... In the most gross location anyone could pick!.....What a mess!
I would have to say the final years of the Orange Bowl. That place became pretty run down at that point. Upkeep seemed to be at a minimum in its final few years. Garbage strewn everywhere around the place, the concrete support beams looked like if they were ever inspected by the corrupt city of Miami officials that they probably wouldn't pass inspection (thank goodness we don't have earthquakes here), and finally the bathrooms were disgusting most games with toilet paper being a luxury come the 4th quarter of games.
Didn’t know it was a dump at the time I attended but they didn’t call it the rock pile for no reason.

"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I like that picture, 2dueces!!......Many old stadiums/ballparks were upgraded in a very haphazard way to accommodate more attendance..... Obviously...... the "Rock Pile" was one of them! That place wouldn't pass code inspection today!.....WHOA!
I am fully aware that Fenway Park does not offer comfortable seating, perfect sight lines, and modern amenities. That being said, when you walk in and get that first glimpse of the beautiful, green grass all of that doesn't matter.
Metrodome in Mpls was OK for football, but horrible for baseball.
The end zone was were the seats are pictured. Iron railings. This is before nets they kicked extra points and field goals. Fights for the football were painful. Our season tickets we’re about 10 rows up from them, almost where this picture was taken. I sat there from 1963-1970. Some of the best times I remember with my father.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
When the bears used to play at Wrigley field.
Then the Illini played Northwestern at Wrigley for a College game. The offense team was always going to the same endzone that game.
I never went to a Bills game there but I did attend a few Bisons AAA games in the Rock Pile.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
That was my feeling when I got my first glimpse at the field at Connie Mack Stadium in 1959 when I was 10 years old. I could not believe how pretty and well-kept the grass in the field was.
The trouble is you go to a game at a stadium like Camden Yards, and you see what the New England fans are missing. Granted the Orioles don’t put much of team on the field these days, but it’s a pleasure to watch a game there.
Revised to say, Fenway Park is okay if you can get to sit in the seats that are never available. Years ago, when I was working for a big insurance company, the CPA firm that audited our books gave four of us seated in their season ticket area. They were about seven or eight rows in back of the Red Sox dugout. Yes, it was a great place to see a game, but normal people can't get those seats. The best seats normal people can get are down the left field line.
Bill, I understand what you mean by "normal people" and where they sit at the games......My previous post, about my first game at Dodger Stadium?....... I'll never forget hearing my Dad tell my Mom that it would cost $20 for us to go to the game.....and my Mom said, "He wants to go so bad.....we can do it."..... God Bless her.....Moms are wonderful!..... the family didn't have the $20 to spare....... but we went.......Dodgers /Pirates......can't remember who won the game......I was a little boy on Cloud 9!.......I'm getting choked up thinking about it.....😢
When I moved from New England, it was just not a matter of being able pay for the tickets; it was matter of availability because Fenway Park was sold out for the season. Unless you knew someone, and bought from a scalper, you were out of luck.
Speaking of Connie Mack Stadium....... I have a great story about my first last and only visit to that place........My friends and I got a full police escort out of the neighborhood. Two motorcycle cops and one patrol car. We didn't do anything wrong......we were just Cowboys a little out of place in Philly.......it was for our own safety.
I liked going to games in Fenway, I felt 'cozy'. OTH Wrigley seemed even more broken down than Fenway, at least when I was there in 2000 (Fenway mid-90s for several games). But I did go to a Mariner game in the Kingdome and it was awful for baseball. I don't like Minute Maid Park either - just a slight upgrade from the Kingdome IMO but maybe would have been better if the roof were open. Now the most enjoyable baseball park I have been to? Camden Yards.
Best, SH
I have told this story before, but I guess it is relevant again. I don't go to many pro games. As an adult I've been to only two, no three, that I remember. As a kid and teen I went to a handful of games each to see the Red Sox, Celtics, and Bruins. One Pats game at the old stadium. All of those Celtics and Bruins at the original Garden. But as an adult only a few. Hadn't been to a game in almost twenty years. 2018. Went to Fenway with my youngest son, step Dad, and Uncle during a trip up to Massachusetts. I got that feeling again like I was a little kid walking into the park. Amazing. I definitely know people who feel that way every time with Fenway. It's a treasure. I hope they never move. It would be a mistake.
baseball is an outdoor game. I went to a twins game in the the old Hump dome on a sunny 85 degree day only to go indoors. didn't make any sense.
Since I lived in northern IL as a kid, my first game was to Wrigley field. just what a beautiful place. I could not get over how small the field was, as a young kid I was expecting the playing field to be huge for pros. First batter of the game was Bobby Bonds and he hit one to the wall in right center for a triple. Jose Cardenal lost his hat running the ball down.
Hands down .. Wrigley
Old Yankee stadium, got bleacher creature seats in left field against the Tigers (my home team). Got in a food fight with the goons and got escorted out. Best crappy ballgame for almost 30 years now, ha.
Obviously no one here experienced the mighty Stick. If there was a worse stadium built new for baseball since 1960, I'd like to compare Notes. Fraud after fraud just in the planning. Remember, the wind blew Stu Larsen off the mound. Dust devils with food wrappers used to inhabit the field. Freezing cold day games in the middle of the summer. Trough urinals with the most vulgar smells.
Bad location, bad design, bad workmanship. What could go wrong?
*Stu Miller not Larson. 1961 all-star game
Cleveland Memorial stadium where the browns played before they got a new stadium. I guess its because i am from
Pittsburgh that I made this pick. But the first time I went there in 1986 to a browns steelers game fans were lined up to
get to a spot near the wall in the mens room to unload on the wall since there were so many fans at the game and so
few urinals in the mens room.
My one and only vist to that place!
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
Olympic Stadium in Montreal the park that the Expos played it felt like having a ball game in the middle of the ocean because the place is so big.
Has anyone been to Oakland for an Athletics game?
Heard they had their smallest crowd in 42 years (excluded government lockdown years).
Worst Stadium You've Ever Been To...
For me I’d have to say Wrigley…The place smells like a Giant Piss Factory or something; although seeing that ivy live on the outfield walls is Pretty Cool.
IDK about now but in the old days, Oakland would have their sewer system back up. Lovely. Pathetic stadium. Never went back after 1967 and I went to college ten miles from there.
Cold and ugly Candlestick Park may have been pathetic but the Oakland Coliseum was not. Back before it was mutilated by the addition of Mt. Davis in the mid 90's it was one of the nicer stadiums in baseball. While many teams played in stadiums or domes that were triple decked, fully enclosed monstrosities the Coliseum had an open view of the outfield where you could see the Oakland Hills. Attendance in the 1970's was mostly abysmal but the atmosphere at A's games especially during the mid 80's and early 90's was electric. The stadium still has its charms to those who can recognize them today and A's games can be still quite fun to attend especially when there is a decent crowd. Attendance is often poor now as the current stadium issues linger while ticket prices have risen, and A's fans have had to watch ownership trade away its young and rising stars time and time and time again. Hopefully the current push to build a new waterfront park to rival the Giants will become a reality. To see them move to Las Vegas would be a tragedy.
The Coliseum back in the day:
Charming. You forgot to add that it sits dead center in the murder capital of America. 98th and hegenberger. Lovely area. Adds to the ambiance.
Classy statement my friend. You really have no idea what you're talking about. St Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, L.A. are your top 5 btw.
I went to a Monday night game almost died in the parking lot. 1981 -82
A bunch of us chartered a small bus. After the game in the parking lot for busses only.
All the busses (50 - 75) were running. The dirt parking field was like a maze in carbon dioxide exhaust.
The driver dropped us off at the entrance, and explained where the bus would be parked.
This was a no joke life lesson.
Sorry to hear of that experience you had. My memories are mostly good there overall. I am a local and have never chartered a bus there so I can't really expand on that. I would drive down to the city of Miami courthouse parking lot and walked from there, was a bit of a walk but never any issues other than if it was a night game to make sure to walk in groups through the local neighborhood.
Been to many over the years. It reminds me of other big borings stadiums I have been to like the old Riverfront in Cinci. They'll be the Vegas A's before long!
Worst stadium had to be a Giant's game at Candlestick! What a dump. Crappy neighborhood, crappy stadium, crappy weather, etc....
The Oakland Coliseum (or whatever it is called this week), like much of Oakland, could be great... if they cleaned up the area, got rid of all the crap along the water, and utilized what it has to offer - ocean and mountain views. Unfortunately it's a struggling city. A couple of good friends are Oakland police officers and they are counting the days until they retire.
The A's have to be the team that has gotten the most with the lowest payroll for the last 20-25 years. Consistently good teams with very low payrolls and not a lot of fan support. Really too bad. However, living in Vegas now I'll be happy to accept them with open arms!
I have only been to one game at Wrigley. The game was rain delayed for hours......so I just wandered all over the place to check it out. One thing that really caught my attention was the exposed plumbing and sewer pipes in the upper seating section. Some of the pipe joints were LEAKING!...... and the smell was noticable. I'm in the pipe fitting racket so I notice things like that.......otherwise, it was a fantastic experience being there. Loved every second of it and I was happy the game was delayed because it gave me time to just enjoy being there......AND...... the people working there were so friendly and helpful. I told the lady at the ticket booth that it was my first visit and a childhood dream. So,...she gave me a ticket in the second row behind the visitors dugout. It was a season ticket that wasn't being used that day. And I had my first brat. I asked the guy at the food stand what they were. He couldn't believe it!.....so, he said ,"I'm going to fix you up with a special one!".....and he did!......best ballpark food I ever had!......the cold beer didn't hurt either!.......Fantastic experience!
Just an aside about the rainy summer day in Chicago....... Being a native Californian, it is the most odd thing to experience rain and warm weather at the same time. That doesn't happen here. The first time I ever experienced it was long ago at a Cards/Dodger game it St. Louis.......it was the most weird sensation......Rain in the Summertime?..... Who would have thought! Out here it basically only rains in Winter and the rain always means cold weather. The land is green in the Winter and brown in the Summer...... the opposite of just about everywhere else.
AthleticsFan would argue with you. BTW, I remember when Lou Wolff bought the team and saved it. Had high hopes. No cigar. Very dangerous area. And City of Oakland hasn't improved it. When camera teams visit Oakland to record crimes, they get robbed. No sugar coating the city of about 300,000+.
I handled the leasing of a large bldg when I worked for Grubb & Ellis. Hal Ellis was from Oakland. Cal, class of 59. Corporate hq was in Oakland. He gave up. Moved to 44 Montgomery in the City.
You're not supposed to pack, but you should.
*Edit: I just looked at one of those 'Chamber of Commerce' photos of the Oakland coliseum. One of the advertisers hasn't been in California for almost 30yrs so I might guess, with respect to truth in advertising,,, ahem... A slightly outdated photo. Oh well.
I went to 1 Tampa Bay Bucs game while I was in college there in 1989. That stadium was terrible as I remember:
Also, I have been twice, but I'm not a fan of the recently built Truist Park where the World Champion Atlanta Braves play. Parking is a big problem, which may be the case with lots of venues and may be unfair to even mention, but even once inside the entire layout of the field and stands just seem odd to me. The "battery" is nice if you want to do lots of other things instead of go watch a baseball game I suppose. I guess I also miss seeing the Atlanta skyline where Turner Field was located! For comparison....
Turner Field:
@Hallco I am up late on the forum, about to go to sleep, and was just now pleasantly surprised to find you here. 😂🙏❤️

Have you watched Nacho Libre ?
Exhibition Stadium in Toronto.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Original opening day in 1977
I needed a break and found a thread I might be able to make a decent contribution. Doesn't happen often!
I loved the Oakland Coliseum, yeh its not the flashiest or in a nice area but it was always affordable to go to games and had the best tailgates. Despite the bad reputation of the area, never had even the slightest worry of being robbed/mugged/etc. And the local public transport BART went right to the Coliseum, although getting back on to get home could be as long as a 2 hour wait at times I will say. As far as the sewage issues, yes it would flood the dugouts at times, but not like the fans have to deal with that. Candlestick was by far the worst, cold and was far enough outside SF that you had to deal with horrendous traffic both ways if you were travelling from anywhere in the bay area pretty much. Parking was the absolute worst. Last time I went to a game there was a niners game against the bears right before they moved to santa clara and no joke had to walk 3 mile from where we parked, which I should mention was just in some guys driveway pretty much and still had to pay 20 bucks haha.
My brother-in-law played for the Raiders. Defensive end. Long ago. He is an East Bay native. Born there and still lives there. In Orinda. I don't know exactly how it works, but ex-NFL players get some sort of game pass to NFL games. I think at any stadium any time if seats are available??..... In other words, free tickets. So,....off to Oakland the Lovely Mrs. Hydrant and I would go to the Bay Area for a family visit and a cheap Raider game.....Always a blast!.....Then.....my brother-in-law stopped going to the games a few years ago.....well, getting older and he just didn't feel safe going into the area......just sayin'.......There is a reason that the Raiders left town........The A's are next.......Count on it.
That's awesome! Oakland tickets were always cheap. Had season tickets for about 10 years in the 4th and then 2nd row, visitors side in the 100's first ones were on the goal line and 2nd row seats were about 40 yard line and never paid over 1000 for a season. Was looking at Vegas tickets the other night and a seat middle row in the 400's above the 5 yard line visitors side were going for 4000 a season. A's will definitely end up moving and I can't blame them, same as the raiders move. Disappointing yes, but the city officials just don't seem to want sports in Oakland anymore. Mt. Davis definitely ruined the Coliseum, which is even more ironic saying that it was hardly ever used, even when they actually started having sold out games the last few years.
To keep on topic, another terrible one I haven't noticed mentioned is tropicana field where the TB Rays play. Just watching on TV you can see how drab it looks. Then you have a ceiling that pretty much makes baseballs disappear in the air. Just poor design all around.
Hey, omgjedi, Have you ever been to the Casa Orinda restaurant in Orinda? They serve good food there! Old West decor. My favorite eatery up in your area. It was a Raider fan hangout after the game. Fine Dining!

P.S. Keep posting brother!
Yeh , actually the part owners the Travelini's were good family friends. They have the best fried chicken. Right up the street from there is a hof brau Europa that is always a great place to go as well. And speaking of hof brau's Sam's used to be right next to the coliseum and was a pretty big draw for sports fans. Had all sorts of memoribilia throughout the place and trading cards of bay area players under the glass table tops. Sadly it closed down shortly after they remodeled the coliseum and the Raiders return to Oakland.
The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant agrees with you......Casa Orinda serves the best fried chicken!......