What would you do if football went extinct?

in Sports Talk
What would you do with your time if the sport of American football ceased to exist, no high school, college, or professional football would ever exist again, how would you spend your days?
I would go mad, and harass teenagers named Carl.
Been there done that. When the Rams left for St.Louis in 1995, as far as I was concerned, football went extinct. Before that, I was a season ticket holder, never missed a game, and was a die-hard Ram fan since around 1964. Once they left town, I couldn't care less about football. No interest at all....none! When they came back to L.A. in 2016, I didn't even know about it until my boys surprised me with season tickets for all the Hydrants and friends!......I always took the boys to the games when they were kids........Since I'm basically a hermit here on the ranch, the boys bought the tickets because of memories and to get me off the ranch for some outside activity!...... No joke!......Case in point to show how football was extinct to me?........When the Saints came to town in 2017, I noticed so many people wearing jerseys with the name Brees.......I had no idea who BREES was.....the Rams won the game 26-20. Late in the 4th. quarter the Saints had a call go against them ....Brees went over the the refs, stretched out his arms, got down on his knees, and begged and pleaded like a baby!......I thought he looked like a true as*. No Idea he was a SUPERSTAR!.......Didn't care then......don't care now. They come and go.....here today gone tomorrow......no big deal.
Drew Who?.....Oh,well......

Spend more time (and money) at Ritz Houston
I looked it up, Cougar!
Cougar, are you from Houston?.......I've spent more time in that town over the years than any other town in the country. Long ago. Great friends, good memories!...... I did say football was extinct to me after the Rams left L.A., but actually I went to many Oiler games at the Astrodome? in the 90's. Worst stadium I've ever been to to watch a game!....but I stayed in a hotel right across the street so of course I went to the games. AND........I get the joke.......Ritz Houston???......man that town and those joints!!!!! 👯 💃 👯. Oooh La La!!
Probably spend more time with my coins in the fall.
If there is no football left, I will build a fort, and move into it, and never come out again. Go away, I'm not hungry right now, just leave my rations outside the entrance!
I’d go to the casino with the money I use to bet on NFL
I love football and watching it, but I don't depend on it to the point where it's life altering if it went away. My wife has a honey-do list as long as my arm to keep me occupied when I am not working. lol
Go away, I have no life left, just let me go!
@doubledragon wrote: Go away, I have no life left, just let me go!
I think you need to save that line and use it when Mr. Boh calls requesting that you return his mustache...
Just kidding...
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