A Brazilian weight lifter has lost a dumbbell in his anus. According to reports, the weight lifter misplaced a 4.4 pound dumbbell and it was discovered by medical authorities after in depth examinations to be in his anus. A successful Manuel extraction of the dumbbell has been completed and
tweezers were required. The unidentified patient , who was uncooperative during the extraction, is expected to make a full recovery.
The Head Doctor, upon leaving the operating room, was heard to say, " What a dumbbell!"
That just stinks!!!!!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
HUH?.....I don't get it.....
you have to watch the show.
basically the Act on the show was a 1-in-a-Million shot, doc. 1-in-a-million. This is what is said to docs that have to remove "accidental" foreign objects.
For the above, the comedian on the show was given a small comedian mock-up said to be made from Fusilli and another character accidentally fell backwards on it. It was a 1-in-a-million shot. It happened at the end of the show, so there are no further details.
uncooperative patient should feel lucky those forceps got it out without surgery.
I don't watch T.V.......never have....except...... THE NFL.......
Growing up, we didn't have electricity on the ranch until around 1968?.... T.V. ..first T.V. I remember?...... Joe Namath and the JETS!!!!.......AND....T.V.= FOOTBALL!!!!!!
"Where no man has gone before"