You might try the search function or just scrolling through old threads. There is a ton of interesting information there that will address the minting process, errors, etc.
Fyi. Laminations are found primarily in alloyed metals. Your cent is copper plated zinc. While it's not impossible to have a lamination due to contamination of the zinc melt, it is unusual. On copper plated zinc cents, you'll see many examples of plating defects/blisters/bubbles. These aren't laminations
You might try the search function or just scrolling through old threads. There is a ton of interesting information there that will address the minting process, errors, etc.
A ridge ring from worn dies.
Fyi. Laminations are found primarily in alloyed metals. Your cent is copper plated zinc. While it's not impossible to have a lamination due to contamination of the zinc melt, it is unusual. On copper plated zinc cents, you'll see many examples of plating defects/blisters/bubbles. These aren't laminations
Sorry, this is environmental damage.
Wear and environmental damage. No numismatic premium. Cheers, RickO