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Some new grades with trueviews for your pleasure today

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 7, 2022 6:40AM in U.S. Coin Forum

No Date Tk $2.5 Compositions-Spiel Marke Brass 18mm Gaming PCGS AU58
This is the medium size I have at 18mm. LOVE All the die cracks


No Date Tk $1 Compositions Spiel-Marke 15mm Gaming PCGS MS62
This is the next size up at 15mm, The smallest one I have. The larger is still being graded.


(c.1850) Token Miller NY-71 Copper Theodor Bollenhagen & Co NY, BN PCGS AU55BN
Hmmm, either a really good super slider or they misunderstood that the lines were....nonetheless.

(c.1850) Token Miller NY-841 Brass Strassburger & Nuhn NY MS63


1803 Tkn $5 J-C1803-3 Kettle & Sons Gaming Token, Birmingham, Eng PCGS AU58
NOW this Is the wolds best super slider because its an easy 63. Those are not rubs on the high points and the the high luster never breaks. This is a very special one too as the KETTLE signature is not on the token as reported by Rualu very RARE


1803 Tkn $5 J-C1803-3 Kettle & Sons Gaming Token, Birmingham, Eng PCGS VF30
Now, this one was for fun. A superior grade of a VF.


AND NOW FOR SOME VERY DIFFERENT ITEMS, in which I'm very greatfull PCGS is grading.

Very Rare
1950 Medal PNNA 7th Annual Meeting 41mm C50-02a Bronzed BrassPCGS MS63
Also, very rare

**1974 Medal San Francisco Mint Bicentennial C.S.N.A Silver, DCAM PR67DC*

1974 Medal San Francisco Mint Bicentennial C.S.N.A Brass MS67
But they got it wrong.....its supposed to say Centennial Therefore, very rare as most say BiCentennial



1974 Medal San Francisco Mint Bicentennial C.S.N.A BrassPCGS MS65


1928 Medal Detroit Coin Club 100th Meeting A.N.A. Bronze 37mm. MS64


1977 Medal M.A.N.A. 25th Anniv. Ag 35mm, DCAM PR64DC A play (obverse) of another more popular medal


1984 Medal A.N.A. Member Medal Ag 32mm MS65
Still searching for a gold example


1971 Medal 48th Semi-Annual Conv. Fresno C.S.N.A Silver PR66


2017 Medal Arthur Balfour Gilt Silver 2" ANA 50th Anniversary 1967-201PCGS MS69
A very important and quite rare designed by Mel Wacks, sculpted by Heidi Wastweet
Without looking it up I think only five gold gilt.



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