OT: a "did that really just happen?" moment if ever there was one

in Sports Talk
this went down during the Oscars last night
warning: choice words
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Chris Rock should have known better than to poke fun at Jada Pinkett, she looks that way because of an illness she's been battling. That obviosly hurt Will Smith and he couldn't let it slide. It was pretty classless of Chris Rock to make a joke on national television at Jada Pinkett's expense, about the way she looks because of her illness. Just my opinion.
No one looks good there.
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I hear about that and was shocked that it actually happened.
I got no problem with what Smith did, there should be more of that honestly, people are so accustomed to saying whatever they want through social media they think they can just run their mouths and disrespect people and or their loved ones.
Didn’t happen that way in rehearsals. Jada has will so wrapped one look he knew he fed up by laughing.
Hollywood lives in a world of their own and if it burnt to the ground tomorrow it wouldn’t be missed.
The Oscars have been a joke for years. Nicholas Cage wins an Oscar as a drunk. The Hurt Locker over Avatar because of a divorce? Whatever
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I dont have a problem with a man defending his wife.
I also dont understand why during the cutaway to Smith directly after the joke, you can clearly see Will laughing.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Saw a video on twitter from back stage, Rock was pissed.
it was a very bizarre sequence of events. first off, the joke. tasteless, classless, extremely unfunny. in other words, classic Chris Rock. i've personally never been a fan. but with that said, the guy didn't deserve to be assaulted on national television for what exited his mouth. that type of inane humor is part and parcel of who he is, and that was not a new revelation to Jada and Will last night.
the really bizarre part took place next. Will was laughing. Jada gave Chris a death stare. next thing you know, Will is at the stage and unloads on Rock. he then turns around and walks back to his seat.........smirking. but once he sat down it escalated to the point of him being enraged. where was that reaction the instant Rock said what he did? something is amiss here.
not that anyone cares what my opinion is, but i'm not a firm believer of things happening "in the moment." everything is the product of formation.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
somebody didn't "respect" somebody
If that was real and not planned, it's great.
That being said, Will Smith's and his wife's family values and relationship have long been very questionable.
Completely staged.
you're one of my favorite posters but i can't get on board with the first sentence. the joke could not have been less appropriate or less funny, but we can't normalize assaulting people every time we are offended. every single one of us would be roaming around with a mangled face.
Denzel Washington (who i am a big fan of) went to Will during a commercial break (after the incident took place) and offered up some sage advice..............."At your highest moment, be careful, that's when the devil comes for you."
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
this is exactly what i was thinking. when they cut to Smith directly after the joke, he was laughing. did not look offended at all.
very strange
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Oscars Too Fight.
I agree with your sentiment about violence. But I also think that defending your woman is important. Though your comments have resonated with me. Makes sense. I am not usually a vocal supporter of violence, and I appreciate you @galaxy27 for always keeping it real.
Denzel's comment is interesting. I do not consider Will Smith a man of God, and the devil came for him long ago. It's difficult to get to his level without that being the case.
Like I said, Will Smith is not, in my opinion, a good family man. I don't want to disparage him with details.
There's a line you just don't cross, I could handle being insulted for comedic purposes, but when you make a joke about my wife's illness in front of millions of people, call her GI Jane because she has an illness that causes her hair to fall out, that's crossing the line. Chris Rock got what he deserved.
put the gloves on. we used to do that in high school in the weight room.
i think i know what you're intimating, and that i am on board with.
the temptation to try and simplify what happened and fit it in a box is overwhelmingly strong a day later, but in truth it's very, very layered.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Thisistheshow said, ".....I also think that defending your woman is important."
Well, maybe that Smith character married the wrong girl.
Around here they take care of themselves.
If I was Chris Rock I'd be pissed
If I was Will Smith I'd be pissed
Sometimes it's as simple as that
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Well,....while people seem to be so engrossed around here about why some low life movie star sucker slapped some low life comedian because some woman's honor was at stake......at the same time.....other pressing issues around here are.....Should the Cowboys Take a Chance On Antonio Brown?.......or.....Watson To The Browns.....or.....Tyreek Hill May No Longer Be A Chief....Oh,.....I guess the Ladies Honor doesn't count for so much when a FOOTBALL PLAYER is involved.....Unless of couse the football player happens to be Matthew Stafford who was standing near some woman who by her self fell off a podium. Why that's unforgivable!.... No respect for him ever!.... interesting......... The hypocrisy of it all.......the truth hurts boys.......Ban me for life.....I don't care.
Calm down grasshopper, no one is getting banned, just relax and take a deep breathe, perhaps grab a snacklet and watch a little TV with the lovely Mrs. Hydrant. You've become very feisty and rebellious, I like it!
Would not be that hard to believe it was staged, if it was. After all they are actors.
I don't get the "defending your woman's honor" statement here. Rock told a mildly humorous joke, don't comedians make these kind of jokes about other celebrities all the time? It's not like Jada is just Will's wife, she's a Hollywood actress and should be able to take a joke about having short/no hair. She didn't lose her hair because of cancer treatment, did she? If that was the case, I could see it as offensive, otherwise it was nothing to get worked up about.
Now, if she went up and clobbered Rock, THAT would have been funny! IMO
I really like Will Smith, but he comes off very badly here to me. Could he have been really wasted?
First he goes up and slaps Rock (who I also like) and then when he wins his award, he's up there blubbering about it. Maybe he was just too high and couldn't control his emotions.
Overall, I couldn't care less about these millionaires any more than I worry about the sports stars.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
I heard that Chris Rock is not going to press charges. Could he have? Would the
courts not look at this as public bullying? If it were to go to trial, would the jury
not see it as bullying. If this would have happened else were, I would think that
someone with Rock would be calling the coroner. Rock should have joked about
Smith, but not about his wife.
These comedians think they can say whatever they want to people just because they're comedians, like they have a license to insult people. Well, people react differently to insults, especially personal insults, some will take it, some won't. Chris Rock is probably fortunate that it was Will Smith, you say something like that to the wrong person on the street, it's going to be a lot worse than a slap in the face.
If you are a celebrity, or just on social media, and you take offense with what someone said, I am sure it would be easy for someone to find offensive things you said.
Smith definitely laughed at the joke. I think the camera then pans away. I'm not sure. Did his wife kick him and he had to switch gears and react? As others here said, could be fake.
I was thinking last night, particularly after @galaxy27 mentioned how violence really isn't the answer. What could Smith have done, on stage, not involving the slap? He had options. Maybe whisper something in Rock's ear and walk away? Or stand up with his wife, walk out, and not accept his award?
i think i may be the only contributor on this forum who doesn't have kids, yet ironically that's the first place my mind went when i saw Will Smith's impetuous behavior. think about the destructive precedent he set for no doubt thousands -- if not millions -- of impressionable children who caught wind of him making the conscious decision to jack Chris Rock on live television.
i don't want to turn this into a theological discussion, but there's a verse in the Bible that's very apropos because it states that from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
that applies directly to a guy like Will Smith. he had a teachable moment in the palm of his hand. he had an opportunity to exit a difficult situation smelling like a rose, yet he ultimately exacerbated it by opting for violence. now, all bets are off. think about the sheer number of kids who now find it acceptable behavior to stroll up and crack someone based on something they said because the funny, cool "men in black" guy who sang "gettin' jiggy wit it" did it and experienced no repercussions.
Will was given a giant platform, and he used it to almost single-handedly normalize that type of response
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
No kids here either, agree with galaxy on that post above.
I did see some other comedians post a good point on twitter about - now do we have to worry about every heckler or folks we use from the audience in our shows for jokes that might come up and smack somebody.
I don’t have kids either.
But to your point about kids getting a bad impression from this is that I highly doubt many kids have any interest in the Oscar’s but regardless they are already had many a indoctrination to vile stuff that goes on via the internet let alone a man slapping another man.
I respect what you have posted in this thread and regard you as someone that I would invite to dinner at my house without even knowing you outside of this forum but I’m in the camp that really didn’t have a problem with what Will Smith did, taking away all the other weird stuff going on in their marriage which apparently is everyone’s business since he did an interview on the subject but certain lines should not be crossed and a loved ones sickness or personal “Problems” should not be a target of anyones humorous comments. If that line is crossed and someone wants to call you out on it then so be it. I mean he could have verbally challenged Rock on this and it might have escalated the verbal jabs and made his wife feel even worse.
Stuff happens.
i appreciate that post, as well as your viewpoint. i think it's constructive to hit the ball back over the net from different angles, otherwise this place would become unbearable and no one would learn anything.
oh, and good thing i live far away, otherwise you'd probably receive a random knock on your door this evening followed by "is dinner ready yet?"
one day i've got your drinks........plural 🍻🍻🍻
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
She lost her hair because of alopecia.
Bullying isn't a defense for battery.
Yes, Rock could have pressed charges and Smith could (theoretically) still face charges, even without Rock pressing them himself.
Haha you got an open invitation good sir 🍻🍻🍻
And thanks for understanding my point of view
It was a slap instead of a punch, because paper beats rock.
Yes, I did find that out, so if Rock knew that, his joke was in poor taste. I also heard that Rock took a shot at her last year for not attending in protest, so I guess Smith had a right to be mad, but slapping him was a bit too much imo.
Breaking News
As a result of recent events, it’s all but assured that Will Smith will be moving to his Auntie and Uncle’s in Bel Air.
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It was actually 6 years ago that he took a shot at her for not attending.
I would be very, very surprised if Rock did NOT know about her condition.
In martial arts, most teach..
Open hand above the neck and clenched fist below the neck.
Will Smith and a couple of bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
The real winner of this staged event is Chris Rock. His show tickets have gone up over 10x on the resale market. He's back in the game.
I know someone who is pretty excited for this move...

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I don't think this is over. Didn't Smith ask for a duel at ten paces? Or is it necessary to slap with a glove? That would make a very successful pay per view.
100% not fake. As some of you know we are involved with the Academy. The current discussion is to ban Will Smith from attending future Oscar's. That's likely to happen as it's customary for the winners to present the following year. They don't want anything to do with that. Also in discussion is to ban him altogether from the Academy. As mad as they are with Chris Rock for going off script with the Jada comment they are bat crap furious with Will Smith. For me no great loss and I could care less about Smith or The Academy for the most part. All Award Shows blow IMHO
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It was a pretty bizarre thing to see but I also dont really understand what all the hoopla is about...its not like he pummeled Chris or attacked him with a weapon. It was a slap in the face (literally). I guess I'm just surprised at all the airplay this is getting.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Felony assault and battery. Clear evidence. Admission of guilt freely given by the suspect. Easy conviction.
No need for the 'victim' to sign a complaint.
It's not a felony. In California, to charge with a felony would require serious bodily injury to Rock, which did not happen.
FWIW- Smith was asked to leave the ceremony and refused.
Direct from the Academy
The Board of Governors today initiated disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Smith for violations of the Academy’s Standards of Conduct, including inappropriate physical contact, abusive or threatening behavior, and compromising the integrity of the Academy.
Consistent with the Academy’s Standards of Conduct, as well as California law, Mr. Smith is being provided at least 15 days’ notice of a vote regarding his violations and sanctions, and the opportunity to be heard beforehand by means of a written response. At the next board meeting on April 18, the Academy may take any disciplinary action, which may include suspension, expulsion, or other sanctions permitted by the Bylaws and Standards of Conduct.
Mr. Smith’s actions at the 94th Oscars were a deeply shocking, traumatic event to witness in-person and on television. Mr. Rock, we apologize to you for what you experienced on our stage and thank you for your resilience in that moment. We also apologize to our nominees, guests and viewers for what transpired during what should have been a celebratory event.
Things unfolded in a way we could not have anticipated. While we would like to clarify that Mr. Smith was asked to leave the ceremony and refused, we also recognize we could have handled the situation differently.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I believe California also allows a "Heat of Passion" defense, which Smith could easily prove.
And with Chris Rock not pressing charges this goes away
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......