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HK-Unlisted So-Called Dollar Tracking Thread

ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,283 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited March 19, 2022 12:22AM in U.S. Coin Forum

This thread is to keep track of HK-Unlisted So-Called Dollars for events that are listed in HK. John Raymond @JRay123 has a great website to do this but not all pieces are listed on his website, so this thread is a supplement.

Here's John's website: https://www.socalleddollar.com/aaUnlisteds.html

We'll start off with this 13mm gold dollar sized 1883 German American Bicentennial medal. I have a holed specimen which I've mentioned in a few threads as a SCD candidate but finally got around to tracking down an unholed specimen here. Now I just need to find one!


1883 German American Medal (#7999) BiCentennial Medal. Nice Unc. 13MM.

Here's my specimen:

Here's my 35mm HK-597 from the event and two 32mm official medals from the event, which could also be included since HK includes many other 32mm medals ;)


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