Hank Aaron rookie

in Sports Talk
So Iv had this card and didn’t even realize what it was till now. So here is my problem. I just started collecting and selling some. Still learning where to get information, who can and who can’t be trusted…. You all know how it goes. So everyone tell me what you know about about this card. If you think it’s a original and should I send it to be graded! Thank you for your time.
I’m willing to bet it’s 100% a reprint
On the other hand if you think it’s not then send it in to PSA and it would come back as Trimmed or a PSA 9 worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I think I have a 1960 Hank Aaron and couple of others from the early 1960s that I collected when I was kid.
What are the signs that indicate this could be a reprint?
Look at the difference between the OP's card and this one at the bottom. His card says "Topps Baseball Archives", The Ultimate 1954 Series". This card is a reprint.
Now look at a real 1954, #128 card, missing is the writing at the bottom. Why would an "original" have "Topps Baseball Archives"? Card is worth nada.
Yellow background is the biggest sign.... original color is orange.... it's an archives copy reprint ~ clearly states archives....Me? I'd get it graded on the cheapest PSA grading line ~ wait til grading prices drop further... or you could sell it raw ~ its such an iconic card... I would stick it in my PC in a psa 9 or 10 holder. It's a gorgeous piece of art IMO of one of the most understated, benevolent men to ever play the game. HE was a gift to all of us.
See I’m glad y’all all commented on this! Even though something big plane and clear to see that says it’s a reprint that I missed makes me feel kinda dumb, I guess I just got dumbfounded when I realized what the card was and didn’t look to well lol thank y’all!
I’m actually embarrassed and I’m not sure over which part I missed is more embarrassing , The yellow background or the “Archives” on the back, lol. I’m ashamed of myself
@perkdog... give us 6 hail mary's and two jaeger shots... double chilled.
You got that my friend
🤽♀️🤽♀️🤽♀️🤽♀️🤽♀️🤽♀️ 🥃🥃
So, as the unofficial penalty official for missing anything obvious. You are hereby sentenced to spend a minimum of 3 hours at the local watering hole with your buddies, wherein you will buy one round of brewskies.
Yes sir! 🍻