Dahlberg radio tokens

I picked up three of these zinc tokens in my collecting years. I don't think there is a comprehensive listing of all the locations that issued them, but the Token Catalog shows over 100 different. They were used in hospitals for bedside pay radios in place of dimes. Here's a blog with more info: https://coinsblog.ws/2020/07/pay-per-listen-radio-and-an-interesting-history.html
Does anyone else have some of these?
I've got a couple around someplace. I've always wondered what they were for.
I've handled hundreds ++ over the years. There are about 10-20 locations that are hoard pieces with many of the rest being scarce and some with only one known. There was a fairly comprehensive trial listing some years back but I don't recall any later listing -- I don't think it was in TAMS (you can check the Newman Portal) but was possibly in ATCO or even earlier in METCA.
The Dahlberg Company went from hospital radios into hearing aids. CEO Ken Dahlberg was a fringe character in the coverup and money laundering after Watergate but was featured in a key scene in the movie.
These radios were also known as "Radio Nurse".
Why are the numbers on rhe dial upside down?
Interesting bit of radio and token history.
Very cool......I can't believe I've never had one of these !
I have not heard of these tokens or the radios.... Never had much to do with hospitals... and do not intend to change that. There are sick people there.....
Cheers, RickO
It's so you can read the dial while looking up from the bed.
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
Thx. I figured it was something like that, but the wording on the tuning and volume controls are oriented the opposite way. 🤔