Wizard Coin Supply has Verdi-Care in stock

I've never bought it or used it but remember reading how hard it was to get. I'm not sure why Wizard sent me an email stating it was in stock so I figured I'd pass on to those who were looking to get it.
I've never bought it or used it but remember reading how hard it was to get. I'm not sure why Wizard sent me an email stating it was in stock so I figured I'd pass on to those who were looking to get it.
Thanks, I just order some .
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
Thanks for the link... will order some. Cheers, RickO
Way cool, I'll check it out
I recall there is a difference between original and "new" versions of this stuff. So I avoided the new versions when I was doing early copper
strange, but when I go to wizard it says on sale for $11.99 but when I place the order it charges $14.99. I'll try to call tomorrow and see what the problem is.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Mine is just like that
Wow it's been years! I still have half a bottle of the original stuff
I had great results with Verdi-Gone, now Verdi-Care. I have used my supply sparingly.
Lance what does this product do for coins exactly?
It treats verdigris, a common copper problem.
It works very well on "newer" verdigris. Flakey, crusty green crud. It is less effective on very old verdigris.
I've tried it on 200 year old large cents to no avail. But it has worked nicely on Lincoln cents from the 40's and 50's.
Often...maybe not always...after the verdigris is removed a shiny spot remains.
Good to know. I was thinking of getting some for some dug ancients I have. I've had them soaked in mineral oil for months and was thinking of getting some other encrustation off. If it's unlikely to help much then I'd rather save the $$.