88th Annual NWCC Money Show - Minnesota

The premier Minnesota show starts in two weeks: March 18-20. If you live in the upper Midwest, save the dates.
My strategy is about collecting what I intend to keep, not investing in what I plan to sell.
Looks like it could be an excellent show... Free everything and 100 booths.... Show reports please....Cheers, RickO
It would be great to get free medals
I will be there!! I am super excited that they have early bird passes this year
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
bump a week away