I have noticed PCGS has only graded a single DMPL Morgan as 58Dmpl (1896-o). So is it basically impossible to have a non mint state deep mirror Morgan?
I have noticed PCGS has only graded a single DMPL Morgan as 58Dmpl (1896-o). So is it basically impossible to have a non mint state deep mirror Morgan?
There are many DMPL Morgans not so designated due to different qualifying issues. For instance toned DMPL Morgans even mint state coins do not get the designation because they are toned too dark and just don't have the reflectivity. I wish the TPG's would be more consistent as I see many DMPL coins with no cameo contrast and others that just don't look like the mirrors are deep enough to qualify.
PCGS as a rule just doesn’t give out the designation to AU coins except they seemed to have slipped in that one case. NGC does designate AU coins as PL or DMPL and you can see many of them available for sale. AU coins tend to have hairlines that interfere with the mirrors so they generally don’t look as nice (or as deep) as they would have in MS.
I get what your saying with consistency about the DMPLS but you necessarily don't need to look black and white cameo to be a full DMPL. I have a couple graded that don't have black and white cameo but you could see 8 or 10 inches out with my DMPL meter.
An AU-58 should have the smallest amount of wear possible. Given that, it's very possible for an AU-58 to be a DMPL.
It's the same with a full head Standing Liberty Quarter in AU-58. If it makes the AU-58 grade, it's quite possible.
_An AU-58 should have the smallest amount of wear possible. Given that, it's very possible for an AU-58 to be a DMPL.
It seems PCGS disagrees.
I'm sure one day one will be made
Yes I have owned DMPL's with little contrast but would like to know more about how they determine the 8 to 10 in. mirrors. Is your meter a mirror ?
It is certainly possible to have a deep mirror AU Morgan. PCGS has determined, however, to only award the dmpl designation to mint state coins. There is a difference.
There are a few pl and dmpl Morgans in the pop reports as AU coins by PCGS. They are likely just data entry errors. One pl AU was actually posted years ago, in the pop report it was AU pl by cert number, but on the holder it only said AU. My theory is that they would deserve the designation and maybe 2 graders thought 60pl and one AU, and somehow got thru as AU pl. I do not know that as fact, just guessing.
Well ok, but why?
They also didn’t grade non-Morgans (except some modern special issues) as PL until a couple of years ago. I don’t know why they made the AU/MS PL decision but perhaps they will change it.
Very weird how they won't do it. Does anyone here know if ATS has done it??
Yes, as I mentioned above. There are about 1000 NGC AU PL or DMPL coins. There are some as low as AU53PL.
Same here, don’t know why they made that decision years ago, but they have remained consistent. As already mentioned, they are now designating some non Morgans as pl, so maybe one day they will grade deserving AU coins as pl or dmpl.
Who knows maybe one day our host will change their mind etc. Thanks for that info gonna try 2 find some pics on them