List your problem(s) with MLB :

The problem with MLB?....... ~typical box score for both teams: 12 combined hits with 7 HR's (6 solo shots) and 30 combined K's. .244 collective MLB B.A. Crisis mode. Like watching paint dry this game....
The problem with MLB?....... ~typical box score for both teams: 12 combined hits with 7 HR's (6 solo shots) and 30 combined K's. .244 collective MLB B.A. Crisis mode. Like watching paint dry this game....
Too many issues to list. I don't recognize the game as it is played today. I stopped watching. Waste of time to vent......Stick a fork in it.
It will be easier to list what I like. I can't think of any
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Pitchers take too long to throw, batters don't stay in there and hit.
Game is impossible for me to watch.
Horrible league. Small market teams have little chance to succeed.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ohio State Buckeyes - National Champions
I feel like they do not care for the average fans (lip service only), so I said best of luck to your futures without me.
oh geez where to start
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
@galaxy27 ........ how about at the beginning?
i'll honor this request
the stigma of duplicity is where it all starts for me. i've never recovered from being duped by guys like Sosa & McGwire. it took me years to forgive the sport for screwing the Montreal Expos back in '94, then it played me for a fool just few years later with the rampant cheating. since then, baseball has spiraled toward irrelevancy in my mind. as i type this, it's officially there. i'm completely apathetic. i do like hitting up an occasional STL game with my dad, as he's a lifer Cards fan, but if the entire sport disbanded it would have zero impact on my life. no doubt i'd indulge in enjoyable recollection of past games i've attended, such as sitting a few rows behind the St. Louis dugout when McGwire tied Maris, but my prevailing thought would be that the sport got exactly what it deserved.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Pitch clock for pitchers
Make infielders and outfielders stay in position and not adjust to every batter
Batters stay in box and not make adjustments on every pitch
Ball & strike calls made by computer
Players spit too much and scratch in public you know where, wear pajamas on the field, paid too much, doped, etc.......
No problems. If the two sides don't come to an agreement soon and the season is shortened, I tell myself that, after all, I've lived thru 1981, 1994 and 2020. I think I can live without MLB in 2022.
I just enjoy watching baseball as I really have nothing else to do with my time and would like to see something done to correct the problems. If it comes down to missing games to get it done then so be it. Players and manager all want more money. They are both getting more than they will ever need now. The only ones losing are the fans. Maybe I will go back to collecting stamps while they fight it out.
You hit it out of the park
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Relief pitchers having to pitch to at least 3 batters has taken the Manager strategy out of the late innings. I really liked the way Terry Francona would bring in a pitcher for one batter. The matchups were always fun to watch. And this rule cost specialty pitchers their jobs as now it makes no sense to have a few in the bullpen.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
My current gripe is with the way MLB has wrecked the minor leagues. Forcing the elimination of 1/4 of all teams, eliminating short season A, and trying to force millions of dollars in upgrades on teams without paying themselves. In Spokane, MLB has demanded nearly $25m in improvements to the stadium (which got millions in upgrades in 2014). The upgrades are NOT needed - the stadium is gorgeous. MLB and the Rockies (Spokane is a Colorado affiliate) have offered no money. The Spokane Indiana are offering basically nothing. It all just confirms my decision to give up my season tickets after 2 decades.
Watching a live game for sub $20 for plebes, amazing!!!
I watched a lot of games live back in the 50's-80's so would not even think about going to a game today. it is so much more comfortable to sit in my recliner today and watch a game. Thats why I subscribe to MLB network. Today going to 1 game a season costs as much as a whole season of games on tv.
To be honest I have no complaints. But that belief is wholly based on a really don't care attitude. If they play fine, if not I just move on to other interests, which there are many. Time is too precious to waste on things out of my control.
i initially gave the title of this thread a cursory glance and thought it said "list your problems"
could someone please create one of those so i can type "oh geez where to start" again
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
OMG I think I'm an old man now. I think my biggest gripe is todays game is not anything like the game I played and watched as a young man
Now get off my lawn
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Im glad Im 82 years old and got to see baseball the way it was meant to be played.
1 problem there is no hard cap !! , how can teams like the Mariners even compete ?
With Steve Cohen now an owner, no amount of luxury tax will matter. Baseball still has a fundamental problem in that Steve Cohen and those in his financial vicinity can literally have a 500 million dollar payroll and nothing is in place to prevent it. Eventually this problem will have to be tackled in a way both sides can live with.
Huh? The Mariners were 8th in revenue in 2020.
And it so happens last year was their best season since 2001 !!!!!!
Their best season in 21 years and still no playoffs and finishing 2nd , 18 games over
That is pretty pathetic ! If that is 5he best a team can do over a 21 year stretch
The fact they're mismanaged is not related to their revenue.
The Tampa Bay Rays are looking to talk with you.
If baseball had a hard cap you might see the Rays and M's playing in the ALCS within the next 5 years, but until baseball does a hard cap like the KING NFL................ the same 15 teams will already be eliminated from the playoffs before spring training even ends, but hey this is why MLB is the #4 sport now !
MLB will now further shoot itself in the foot by expanding the playoffs to 14 teams. “More teams in the mix, more markets stay interested!” The key word there is “stay.” The combination of no salary cap and half the teams making the postseason overlayed on a 162 game season is a recipe for total pre-All Star break apathy. You will have removed any chance of the dominant teams missing the playoffs, so who will be excited about a Tuesday night game in May? “Wake me up in August!” Maybe we can rename the baseball postseason “October Madness” and let everyone in.
As long as a KC or TB wins a WS every once in while or a Brewers or Mariners make a run baseball can say it's competitive in all markets.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The salary problem has been there forever. When you combine a smart GM and an almost unlimited payroll, the results are predictable for smaller market fans. I started losing interest when the Yankees were buying any player they wanted and winning all the time.
It’s not just a matter of the same team winning constantly. It’s also the fact the the less wealthy teams lose their better players to free agency on a regular basis. It’s one of reasons why I dislike the Dodgers with their bloated payroll.
Yes the Tampa team is pretty remarkable. The trouble is the fans don’t care. Attendance is abysmal, and it won’t be long before the team moves to greener pastures. The lease is running out on their old stadium, which no one likes and is poorly located. Most people in the suburbs have drive forever to get there. The politicians can’t get anything done about building a new one so bye-bye to the Rays.
Baseball World series winners before Free agency and the MLB draft:
Seems very lopsided to 1 franchise. And I didn't show the WS they lost in most years.
Right. When teams could sign anyone they wanted, the Yankees were the place to go because of the Ruth/Gehrig legacy, and like College Football, winning attracts the best prospects. Once free agency kicked in, they used their financial advantage to obtain the same outcome. The 10 years or so from 1965-75, when the draft system was in place without free agency and everyone was on an even playing field, is not coincidentally the one period where the Yanks couldn’t get it done.