Bobby Knight throws a chair 37 years ago today

Good ole Bobby Knight didn't have to "Sissy Slap" anybody - he just used to throw chairs on the court!!!!!
From ...........
37 years ago: Today in Sports History: 2/23 ......
Events Leading Up to Bob Knight Throwing the Chair
Bob Knight has always been looked at as one of the greatest and most intense coaches in college basketball history. Everyone knew that he had a temper, but nobody expected him to lash out the way he did.
The incident began after Indiana’s Steve Alford was called for a foul four minutes into the game. Less than a minute later, Indiana’s Marty Simmons was called for a foul during a scrap for a loose ball. Knight exclaimed that this should have been called a jump ball. Finally, Daryl Thomas was charged for a foul on an inbound pass, leading to Knight’s reaction.
All three officials on the court slammed Knight with a technical, resulting in Knight picking up three T’s. Knight was kicked out of the game with a score of 11-6, in favor of the Boilermakers. The Hoosiers battled back to take the lead, late in the first half. Purdue eventually regained the lead and never looked back, winning 72-63.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Funny, I don't recall where I was......
Ah....the good old days when college basketball coaches

threw chairs instead of punches.
Always liked the way Night screwed with the refs..........
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The Chair HEARD around the world....
That makes me feel old.
Wow , 37 years ago!
I remember he hit one of his players I think and that made an ESPN highlight as well, the kid was furious but took it.
Fortunate no one was sitting in the chair during it's flight.
Now THAT I would've liked to have seen!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I do. I was at the game. 😊
That chair would of had high bids if put on Ebay. Especially with his autograph.
Notice no 3 point line.
I don't know if you have shared any anecdotes here before, but either way..... I am curious to hear from your first hand account what you saw and what you heard and thought afterward?
Back when a big man in the middle actually had an effect on the game
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
They installed the 3 point line the next year in college basketball.
That incident was national news at the time. Throwing a chair! .....OMG!!
Times have changed.
I think it would still be a huge story. In the grand scheme if things we see, particularly with the advent of smart phones with camera and video, it may be small. But a major college head coach doing something like that would still be a huge story. And there would be dozens of videos of it.