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CAC suspending Regular Tier Subs

DelawareDoonsDelawareDoons Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭✭✭

Dear CAC member,


As of March 1st, 2022, CAC will be unable to process your orders using our regular tier ($16). Our current backlog is at a record level. Turnaround time for completion is unacceptable and not consistent with our mission of providing great service to our members. We are hoping we can restore this service by April 1st. Please keep an eye on our website and Emails for updates on this matter.

Our resticker ($5), high value $10,000- $25,000($35) and rarities over $25,000 ($75) tiers will remain open. The only other option in our toolbox was to raise fees dramatically—again, unacceptable. I feel this is the best option.

Also- if possible, please use Federal Express as opposed to Express Mail going forward as the Bedminster Post Office has threatened to file multiple grievances against CAC. The reason: They’re Too Busy? We’re not quite sure - we’ve always treated them in a professional and friendly manner

           Happy collecting! -John Albanese

Note- This change will affect all submissions postmarked 3/1/2022 and after. Coins under the $10,000 threshold may still be submitted on the $35 tier forms during this time

"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."


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