Presidents Day The So-Called Way
I always get a kick out of the difference between the presence of our early leaders (HK-241)..
as opposed to Ireland's (HK-392)...
The Brian Boru $ issued by Thomas Elder (DeLoery-78) has always been one of my favorites. It's been a busy time for So-Calleds with price lists flying all around & auctions on the docket.
Here are two medals and one medalet for the three presidents historians have given the highest ratings.
Washington, the "Before Boston" medal.
Lincoln, the presidential medal by George Morgan.
Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inaugural medal, 1933.
Baby Ruth is nice too!
How many kids are on So-Called Dollars?
Here's a couple with George Washington, struck many years after he passed.
And Woodrow Wilson while he was still serving as President.
US Mint medals gifted/awarded by President Eisenhower.
These are the original Ikes. Read the memo in the video (mintages the book).
The 1960 Paris Summit issue was issued in France.
Who's that guy rockin' the mohawk?
If you didn't know it was Abe, would you recognize him?