Happy Presidents' Day

Here is a letter from Mint Director James R. Snowden to destined-to-be Confederate President Jefferson Davis.
Here is a letter from Mint Director James R. Snowden to destined-to-be Confederate President Jefferson Davis.
Is that from a historical site? A bit hard to decipher, which is unusual for the writing of the time... Those old documents often have exceptional penmanship and easily read. Where is this displayed?? Cheers, RickO
Dear Sir,
The flag which I procured in 1848 for the Mint is much-worn and shabby, and I wish to procure a new one. Maj. Cropman informs me that he can readily supply me with one, if it has your sanction. I have therefore to request that you will as pleased to give an order on the Quartermaster here to supply the Mint with a flag.
I have the honor to be with great respect, your ob[edien]t servant,
James Ross Snowden
Hon. Jefferson Davis
Secretary at War
Washington City
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Yes. It is from the NARA on the Newman Numismatic Portal.
Thanks, Messydesk for the transcription.
Specializing in 1854 and 1855 large FE patterns
I'm sure they all are. Happy, that is. Well, except maybe the one currently sitting. But hey, he gets a paid holiday, unlike the majority.
The majority of what? Presidents?