Is Matthew Stafford a Hall of Famer right now?

I don't know why this topic is being debated so heavily right now, but it is, and Richard Sherman has thrown his opinion into it.
Richard Sherman scoffs at the idea of Matthew Stafford in the Hall of Fame
From gold on his finger to a gold jacket, the debate surrounding Matthew Stafford is heating up.
Stafford helped guide the Rams to a Super Bowl win over the Bengals, Los Angeles' first title since 2000 and the first of Stafford's career. Now that Stafford has secured the long-elusive ring, the next point of debate in his career is his Hall of Fame candidacy. Enter Richard Sherman.
While debate shows argued Stafford's resume Monday, Sherman had a much more definitive take: No, Matthew Stafford is absolutely not a Hall of Famer.
Matthew Stafford's top plays 2021 season
"I'm gonna talk about it on the podcast but the HOF bar is incredibly low now. Like a participation trophy. No all decade team. No All pro. No MVP. 1 Pro bowl. Not even MVP of the SB. Never considered the best in any year he played. At least M. Ryan has an MVP," Sherman tweeted on Valentine's Day.
Clearly, the DB has no love for Stafford, listing off his lack of accomplishments to prove his point. Fitting that in 280 characters is impressive, too.
A few more numbers: Through 13 seasons, Stafford has thrown for 49,995 yards, with 323 touchdowns to 161 interceptions. He tied his career high with 41 passing touchdowns in 2021, his first season with Sean McVay in Los Angeles.
Is Matthew Stafford a Hall of Famer?
Really, it seems bizarre and a bit premature to debate the Hall of Fame candidacy of a player of Stafford's caliber well before the end of his career. While his case isn't the strongest at the moment, assuming he stays healthy and in the Rams' high-powered offense over the next four or five seasons, his resume for a Canton entry will just get stronger.
So, is Stafford a Hall of Famer? Probably not? But maybe?
In the next 30 games or so Stafford will have more passing yards and TD's then Dan Marino. He will also have a better TD to INT rate then Marino. He will also have something Marino doesn't have. A Super Bowl Ring. So we shall see.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Like clockwork he gets a Super Bowl ring and HOF talk gets stirring!!
He will have big numbers if he stays healthy and plays until he is 40.
He will wear a gold jacket at some point I bet.
I like him but don’t consider him elite, I did say I wouldn’t want him on a last drive for TD but he got it done that way the other night so good for him.
I was the biggest Stafford doubter of all when he came over to the Rams. Mostly because, I admit it, I like Jared Goff. He started out great then he had a terrible 3 game slump in November. He looked horrible in those games and the Rams lost all all 3. At that point I was ready to throw in the towel and I thought I was right. Then he turned it around and we all know the rest of the story. He's a good quarterback. Other people obviously know more than I do and I was just biased against him from the start. HOF material? Right now? I don't have an opinion. But if he has a couple more years like he did this season, then probably.... yes.
That's something else Stafford will have going for him on his resume. He will end up with the most come from behind wins ( already 5th all time) and game winning drives.
If he plays until he is 40 at a moderately high level he will be knocking on Brady's yardage and TD total. 80,000 yards and 600 TDs will certainly be in reach. We shall see
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The Dawg in me says it's gonna happen. WOOF!
All Time Leaders - Passing Yards

I think that says it all but let’s point this out - the league changed its rules very significantly from 1990-1999 - to better protect quarterbacks, improve scoring and make the game safer. That is the primary reason why so many quarterbacks on the above list saw the bulk of their careers played post 2000, for a longer duration of time and to significantly better statistical output.
As to the question? I agree that some will be determined by how he does going forward. He was trapped in Detroit forever and in year one with a sound organization he delivered - big time.
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Side note, I was surprised to see Tarkenton that high in the yardage category.
Side note, Carson Palmer 46,247. Well I would have never imagined that.............
He makes mistakes but he also makes throws under pressure that literally no one else can make or is willing to try. He's a gifted thrower of the football and a leader.
After OBJ's TD in the SB he went over to Stafford on the bench and the following conversation took place ( not word for word but close)
Stafford : was that ball is a good spot for you? ( the ball was perfect)
OBj: (joking ) That's not where Eli would have put it.
Stafford : laughs
OBj: I don't know why you don't change your number to 10 because all you do is throw dimes
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Well, Mark....again you and The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant see it the same!...just now she is BOMBARDING me with all the fabulous Stafford statistics!..... Come from behind wins!!!!!......No interceptions during the final minutes!..... On and On......God that girl loves football! I think she's about to end her lifelong love affair with Terry Bradshaw for a younger man!!!!!
If he remains teammates with Cooper Kupp his odds go way up.
The Pro Bowl argument is stupid. Stafford threw for 5000+ yards with 41 TDs one year and didn't make the Pro Bowl. He also threw for 4967 yards another year and didn't make it. In 2019, he had 2500 yards and 19 TDs in half of a season before getting hurt. He threw for 4886 and 41 TDs this year and didn't make the Pro Bowl. He's had probably 5+ seasons that were Pro Bowl-caliber, if not more.
Yes, Matt Ryan won an MVP. And he was such an amazing quarterback, his own head coach and offensive coordinator didn't trust him so they took the ball away from him because they were afraid of losing the Super Bowl (and then lost it anyway).
Stafford is a HOFer, without a doubt. He's got 50,000 yards passing and is just 34. If he plays 5 more years, he'll get to 70,000 yards, no problem. With a Super Bowl title.
He'll walk into the Hall as an inductee, for sure.
His future health and that of his team mates will have a say in it going forward.
Not right now, but the path looks good. Being conservative here over the next 4 years; 4k passing yards for 2022, 4k for 2023, 3k for 2024, and 3k for 2025. That is 14k passing yards plus his current near 50k and you have a total in the 64k passing yards range. That puts Stafford in the top 5 all-time range and a compelling argument for the HOF. If he has another Super Bowl win, he is in. I am not saying he will reach 70k passing yards, but he has a shot.
So the lovely Mrs. Hydrant is going to leave Terry Bradshaw for Matthew Stafford, I don't think so, show her this photo, she'll be crawling back to Terry!
All Stafford was missing was playoff success and now he has it. I am not sure he is a 1st ballot HOFer right now (though if he gets to 70k yards and some additional playoff wins he probably will be), but he absolutely gets in.
Well, Dragon Master....I just now located The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant. She was out back along side the house. On her roller skates and twriling her telescopic window mop. A little winded but none-the-less for wear and tear. She's very tough and quite resilient. Respectful little gal too!......Anyway,.... I told her that I had a picture of her " Boyfriend! "....."TERRY?!".......she's asks? Yea. So I showed her the picture.....after her initial shock and collapse.... I pulled her head out of the soap bucket, lifted her up, and gently wiped all the suds off her face. " What do do think?", I asked. She said, " You two have a lot in common..... except,... that's not Terry. My Terry is old, fat, and bald!....that guy has hair!".......that's not him!".......I just now checked on her again,.... she's O.K...... doing weed abatement now. I just want to know what's for dinner tonight. I'll bring it up after she puts the herbicide and spray equipment back in their proper place.
The Perfect Couple

Heck, you should have seen Terry in his absolute prime, the women were crawling all over him. Let me see if I have, ah yes, here it is, feast your eyes on this fine hunk of man!
The knock on Stafford was that he couldn't win big games or beat good teams. Well, this year he:
Like you said, he's not missing anything anymore.
O.K., yes, I am a Rams fan. But,.......the following is NOT my opinion. I DID NOT COME UP WITH THIS! I have been told and heard from very, very reliable and knowledgeable people, that the reason Brady decided to retire this year, and the reason Murray wants out of Az., and the reason Wilson wants to be traded is because of Stafford. In the case of Brady because the Rams have beat him 3 straight times in regular season games and Stafford beat him TWICE just last year and because of that and the addition of Stafford to the Rams, he is no longer TOP DOG ....period. Wilson?....... Wilson has been hopeless against the Rams for years and now with Stafford on the Rams?......Wilson doesn't want any part of the NFC West......Murray??.... Same as Wilson...... running like a dog with it's tail between its legs to get as far away from Stafford, and Donald, and the Rams as he can..quick!
Whoever told you/sold you that load of bunk about Brady is full of it.
No way Brady backs down from a challenge. Age caught up with him as it does all of us. When I saw him get sacked a couple times I said to myself he needs to retire before he gets seriously injured. Believe me, the older you get you're more likely serious injury happens when you fall. Brady went out when still one of the top QBs in the League. He didn't stay a year too long like Willie Mays, not able to handle a simple fly ball. He did not have to be shown the door. As it is many teams would love to have him for a year or two.
no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not in my book. i need more. below .500 record as a starter. inflated passing yards total due to the timing of his career. no doubt tons of empty calories in that 50k figure playing for Detroit, a team that was regularly playing from behind against bend-but-don't-break defenses. never the best player in football. never the best quarterback in football. hell when Calvin Johnson was playing he wasn't even the best player on his own team.
if he replicates what he did this season, then yes. he needs to prove to me that it wasn't a fluke.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I've already shown why talking about Pro Bowls is stupid. Stafford has thrown for 41 TDs twice and 4967 yards another time and made the Pro Bowl in none of them. Heck, he's got probably 7 seasons better than the year he did make it.