Another exonumia purchase- 1914 Travelers Insurance Co.-Whitehead and Hoag Fob Medal

This is the first time I've purchased a fob medal. I just thought the Knight on the front was very different. Another inexpensive purchase. $11. Goes to show that you can still get some good deals on the bay.
Very nice medal... I pick up pieces like that from time to time.. Most often are challenge coins... I have so many (100+) that I need another display cabinet. Cheers, RickO
That's terrific!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I have a Travelers Tower ink well also made by... you guessed it... Whitehead & Hoag in 1924- It is about 7" tall
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
way cool, i go by that building to here and there, wtg on the medal
Cool! W&H company produced so many interesting pieces over their time.
I believe a knight was used by Travelers in connection with advertising into the early '20's.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.