NFL Team Names ... How many are kind of dumb?

So recently the Washington Football Team changed their name to the Washington Commanders, which I think sounds dumb and ridiculous. They should have gone with Warriors or Redwolves, both of which would have been cool IMHO. It got me thinking how many other NFL teams have dumb names, but it's just we are used to them and there is history.
The Green Bay Packers were named after the Indian Packing Company in Green Bay that packs meat. Meatpackers seems pretty stupid as a team name, but we are so used to that name and they won a ton of championships so now Packers seems cool or fierce.
The Dolphins is another name that seems strange at first glance. Who is scared of a dolphin? Plus if they were on land they'd die. But again we are used to it. And that 17-0 team was Dolphins.
Some other candidates: Forty-Niners, Saints, Chiefs, Buccaneers, Ravens, Cardinals, Bills, Browns. Boy naming a team after an owner like the Browns (Paul Brown) is bizarre. Imagine if the new WFT name was the Washington Snyders, what a better way to pay homage to the absolute worst owner in professional sports?
WingedLiberty, with due respect, I take exception to the inclusion of the 49ers in your list of "dumb" names. I think the name 49ers is the most apt, ie; appropriate and fitting name of all the teams in the NFL. The name 49ers was a term used to describe the early goldrush pioneers who came to California in the year 1849. Before the arrival of those people, San Francisco, then known as Yerba Buena, was a sleepy little backwater village on the bay. The 49ers built San Francisco and turned it into the most prominent American city West of the Mississippi River. Also the 49er colors have a very significant relationship to California history.... GOLD!......The name 49ers is a part of San Francisco and California history.......from the beginning. I can't think of any other team that has a name with roots like the 49ers.
In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine
Dwelt a miner, 49er and his daughter Clementine
Oh my darling, Oh my darling, Oh my darling Clementine
You are gone and lost forever
And your shoes were number NINE......
Clementine was the original NINER! I'd give her a 10! Oh, well!
San Francisco name of all sports teams!
Landry, I think that Texas team that plays in Dallas has a pretty cool name too.......I just don't like thinking about it....or them! 😁
I always thought the Carolina Panthers should have been named the North Carolina Panthers, I hate that they didn't include North in the name, it's just something that irritates me, I try not to think about it, but I have my days!
I'm not advocating changing any of them but.........
Buffalo Bills seems like an odd name considering the location. I know where they are called that but still odd
Cleveland Browns. Odd name
Green Bay Packers. Weird name. I understand why but still odd
Arizona Cardinals. Not sure why they didn't change the name when they had the chance to something more Desert like.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Hey Hydrant how does it work for Rams season ticket holders like yourself when the Super Bowl is in your home stadium? Is there some sort of lottery system for those tickets for the season ticket holders? Or are you on your own like everyone else trying to get a ticket?
Not nfl but the AAA Gwinnett Braves changed their name to the Stripers a couple years ago....after the fish in lake Lanier up here. SMH, always thought/still think that's dumb as hell.
Arizona Roadrunners would have been genius
I may be a tad biased but the Vikings is one of the most appropriate team names. Since Minnesota is home to many, many immigrants from the Scandinavian countries plus the evidence of Viking travelers hundreds of years before Columbus, You combine that with the imagery the Vikings conjure up and, well, there you have it.
Oh, and one of the original owners was named Max Winter.
Vikings are very cool and appropriate . My mother in law is Norwegian and the Vikes are her team even though she was born and raised in Chicago.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I will get back to you on this.....NO I'm not at the game....The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant just explained to me why......bottom line.....I'M AN IDIOT!!!!......not the first won't be the last!!!!.......I SCREWED UP!!!!
There is a lottery. The NFL is in charge of it....not the Rams. But...two, three? years ago when I bought the season tickets at SoFi (when the stadium was still under construction) I was offered a deal to buy 2022 Super Bowl tickets as a package deal with the season tickets. CHEAP!! I didn't do it. The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant ragged on me about it for days after that about how stupid it was not to buy the Super Bowl tickets THEN!.....She was right.......I was wrong!.....AS ALWAYS! 🤦
Just in case anybody else was wondering...........
The Browns were founded in 1946 and, as the result of a fan contest to choose their moniker, were named after their first head coach, Paul Brown, who was already a popular figure in Ohio, having coached the Ohio State University to a national collegiate football championship.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
So we could have been the Minnesota Van Brocklins?
from the beginning. I can't think of any other team that has a name with roots like the 49ers.
Well of course there are the lions that have been roaming the streets of Detroit for centuries
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Maybe the New England Patriots ? That goes back to the late 1700's ... and the Vikings perhaps go back that far with the Scandinavian Settlers.
My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set
The Patriots and 49’ers are absolutely perfect for the team representing history of the city/state
Arizona “Rattlers” would be a great football name
Patriots is perfect. And this upcoming season we should be seeing Pat Patriot back on the helmet for one game.
Cowboys? Horsemen would be more accurate. They rode Horses.....not cows.
Even the Scorpions would better then a wimpy bird that would instantly combust mid air on a 115 degree day in Arizona
Why does the Sports Forum have to solve all the worlds problems
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Well, isn't this where the world's great thinkers meet up?
it's like a daily illuminati convention up in here
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
When we are called upon to solve problems that don't exist it can be rather exhausting
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
OK this Arizona thing has me tilting.
Arizona Diamondbacks ( awesome name)
Phoenix Suns ( excellent name)
Arizona Coyotes ( super name)
Arizona State Sun Devils ( nice)
Arizona Wildcats ( a little lazy but Ok)
Arizona Cardinals = weak cabbage
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Sparky is the perfect mascot too.
You took the words right out of my mouth!!!!😂😂😂😂😂
I will never refer to the Washington football team as anything but the Redskins.
Cardinal = v. Weak
Green unis with a coiled up Mojave Green on the jersey.
If you ever have come into the vicinity of a Green, you back away slowly. Immediately.